加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民iag留学招聘
IAG留学——为您的美国留学保驾护航。IAG 是获得加州大学系统北美授权的留学招生咨询公司。IAG已拥有专业辅导留学生入学丶升学及转学经验,于此同时,为所有服务的学生提供量身定做的职场规划和实用求职辅导。我们不仅为学生提供从小学到大学全方位的课程设计与课业辅导,更可为有需求的用户提供一对一升学丶深造全程指导专享服务。我们的宗旨是力求使每一位经过IAG辅导的学生,不仅在学业上获得美国名牌大学的录取及学位,更能充分融入当地文化生活,开启多元化精彩人生。多年来,IAG团队致力于培养在美华人精英人士,从校园到职场,从学业到生活,进行多方位贴心引航;与此同时,IAG尊重每一位学生的个性与多元天赋,启发学生独立思考,激发与生俱来的潜能,并热诚分享IAG社区新老会员在美国各地形成的庞大人脉网络,力争使每一位IAG学员都能成为各自领域中的领军人物与专业人才。主要服务范围:申请长春藤大学,UC系统,USC等TOP30,TOP 50, TOP 100本科,硕士无托福成绩高中丶社区丶本科丶硕士私立,公立高中转学UC本硕桥梁IAG 美国国际事务咨询中心现招聘——职位一:留学市场专员岗位职责:1丶留学的新市场开发及资源的掌握;2丶接待来访咨询家长,学生,为其提供合理化的留学建议或意见;3丶留学方案与质量监控;4丶完成留学客户的申请和后续服务。岗位要求:1丶具有丰富的营销管理经验,优秀的沟通和应变能力;2丶责任心强丶学习能力强;能迅速掌握与公司相关的各种知识;具备基础文案能力;3丶本科或以上学历,中英文熟练;4丶有留学咨询行业经验者优先;职位二:校园留学市场代理岗位职责:1丶美国各大校园的市场开发;2丶接待来访咨询家长,学生,为其提供合理化的留学建议或意见;3丶留学方案与质量监控;4丶完成留学客户的申请和后续服务。岗位要求:1丶具有丰富的营销管理经验,优秀的沟通和应变能力;2丶责任心强丶学习能力强;能迅速掌握与公司相关的各种知识;具备基础文案能力;3丶本科或以上学历,中英文熟练;4丶有留学咨询行业经验者优先;5丶可接受学生兼职。职位三:Riverside 留学市场专员工作区域:Riverside地区岗位职责:1丶留学的新市场开发及资源的掌握;2丶接待来访咨询家长,学生,为其提供合理化的留学建议或意见;3丶留学方案与质量监控;4丶完成留学客户的申请和后续服务。岗位要求:1丶具有丰富的营销管理经验,优秀的沟通和应变能力;2丶责任心强丶学习能力强;能迅速掌握与公司相关的各种知识;具备基础文案能力;3丶本科或以上学历,中英文熟练;4丶有留学咨询行业经验者优先;International Advisory GroupIAG is an educational consulting firm that is authorized by the University of California system. IAG is experienced with providing professional educational planning and guidance for international students. We not only provide students with a full range of curriculum design and coursework instruction from primary school to college, but we can also provide one-to-one exclusive educational consultation.IAG is looking to fill a few positionsPosition 1: Academic AdvisorJob responsibilities:1. Mastery of new market development and resources of study abroad;2. Welcome visiting parents and students to provide rationalized overseas study consultation;3. Study abroad planning and quality monitoring;4. Completed the application and follow-up service for overseas students.Job requirements:1. Have rich experience in marketing management, excellent communication and strain capacity;2. Strong sense of responsibility and strong learning ability; Able to quickly grasp all kinds of knowledge related to the company; Ability of basic writing skills;3. Bachelor degree or above, fluent in Chinese and English;4. Experience in overseas study consulting industry is preferred;Position 2: Academic Advisor (Campus Representative)Job responsibilities:1. Market development of American College;2. Welcome visiting parents and students to provide rationalized overseas study consultation;3. Study abroad planning and quality monitoring;4. Completed the application and follow-up service for overseas students.Job requirements:1. Have rich experience in marketing management, excellent communication and strain capacity;2. Strong sense of responsibility and strong learning ability; Able to quickly grasp all kinds of knowledge related to the company; Ability of basic writing skills;3. Bachelor degree or above, fluent in English and Chinese.4. Experience in overseas study consulting industry is preferred;5. Students are welcome to apply.Position 3: Academic Advisor (Riverside Office)Job responsibilities:1. Mastery of new market development and resources of study abroad;2. Welcome visiting parents and students to provide rationalized overseas study consultation;3. Study abroad planning and quality monitoring;4. Completed the application and follow-up service for overseas students.Job requirements:1. Have rich experience in marketing management, excellent communication and strain capacity;2. Strong sense of responsibility and strong learning ability; Able to quickly grasp all kinds of knowledge related to the company; Ability of basic writing skills;3. Bachelor degree or above, fluent in Chinese and English;4. Experience in overseas study consulting industry is preferred;
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