加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民只要$8
www.offerstemple.comOur college mentors from top universities and liberal arts colleges, including the prestigious Ivy League Schools, are here to help you through the stressful application season. You can simply go to our website to view mentor profiles, choose whichever mentor that you consider the best option for you based on their current school/other applications & admissions/major/student activities, and book an online video conference session with them for only $8 per 30 mins session! They can help you identify target schools, introduce you to the campus cultures and edit your application essays real time.我们的升学辅导老师为美国顶级大学(包括常青藤学校)和文理学院的在校学生。您可以到我们的网站offerstemple.com,浏览所有老师的学术背景,根据您自己的申请目标选择喜欢的老师进行一对一的交流和指导。例如,如果您的目标学校是哈佛大学,您可以选择我们平台上目前就读哈佛的老师进行半小时或者一小时的一对一讨论。您可以向他学习申请的经验,头脑风暴文书素材,并且一起实时在线修改你的申请文书。你也可以在拿到面试邀请后和他一起准备面试可能问到的问题,并且进行面试模拟。我们的收费为按时计费,半小时只需要$8!!!!! 没有任何合同要求,您可以按照您自己的时间需求随时约老师进行辅导。www.offerstemple.comOffers Temple Inc. is an educational technology company that focuses on bringing affordable college planning solutions to high school students. All of our mentors are verified undergraduate/graduate students from top schools including Harvard, Duke, UC Berkeley, etc. You can view their individual profile, choose the mentors that you like based on current school/admissions/major, and book them anytime anywhere.
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