加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民Quant面试和能力提高班
Quant的职位有几种,比如在investment bank里的定价型quant,也比如在market maker或是hedge fund领域研究统计的办法预测的quant,也有进行风险控制的risk quant。该课程总结了这几类quant在面试的常见的知识点和考点,并非只有知识,而是从实际面试出发解决实际求职问题。 课程总时长是30小时,如果推荐同学一起上,每个人可以有8折的优惠。 如果学生有长期需要,可以签订一年的mentor服务合约,这个服务内容老师会与你一对一商议,包括手把手的项目和你感兴趣的研究课题,比如market micro-structure, volatility surface 等等。价格和短期培训班不一样。 详情可以咨询微信: LuoMaEdu 比如不确定自己是否适合这个课程,课程难度会不会听不懂等问题。我们可以帮您预约一个与老师一对一的15min咨询时间。 以下是课程大纲: 1. 随机积分,衍生品定价和Greeks (10 hours) (1) Dynamic programming in American/Bermudan option; (2) 两种常用和常考stochastic differential equation的应用和推导log-normal and mean-reversion; (3) Reflection principal in stochastic calculus and its application in binary American/European option; (4) Greeks; (5) Change of Measure and application in fixed income product: convexity adjustment; (6) Implied volatility surface and realized volatility prediction, volatility product: vol ETF (7) Gamma scalping, event betting, VIX pattern; 2. 概率和统计 (10 hours) (1) Probability-based brainteaser, usually on bet and optimal stop-loss strategy, e.g. the optimal strategy to bet on NBA final; (2) 常考的概率基本知识和题目, e.g. how to do hypothesis test to check whether a coin is fair; (3) Markov Chain的两种问法和解法; (4) 线性回归的假设,estimation method: OLS, 结果分析,残差分析(这一系列问题常考); (5) Machine learning/deep learning: gradient vanish, cross-validation, regularization, etc.; (6) Hands-on project on asset pricing. 3. OOP, data structure and algorithm (10 hours) (1) Object and class: encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance; (2) Template class and specialization; (3) Virtual function, destructor and constructor, multi-inheriance (diamond problem); (4) Data structure and algorithm: binary tree, binary search tree, linked-list, DFS, BFS, binary search, time/space complexity, 高频leetcode问题手把手。 上课节奏和讲课风格我们已经post在了no video上,可以作为参考。我们也同时提供留学申请和辅导服务。
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