加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民拜登当选,H1b利好,留学生应该把握美国求职机会
11/5 最新企业岗位,硅谷科企 "实习保录" 最新时事: https://witreader.com/articles/913366427472/ https://www.chineseinla.com/la_weblinks/task_view/id_26088.html 拜登若成功上台,中国留学生毕业后成功留美,机会再现! 在LA也能有硅谷企业实习经历? 可以! 24小时内,硅谷科企 "远程/Onsite实习保录" 只有我们,持续每周高效推进 (保证当周签订正式Offer Letter) Return Offer、全职内推 不管美国形势如何改变,毕业前毕业后,有段真实履历,有合法留美身份,才是成功留下最关键因素。 我们为你赢取时间,24小时内保证找到真实企业OPT/STEM OPT实习! 我们存在的意义与价值,高效提供实习岗位,带薪转正、其他内推机会,全面守护大家的职业发展起航! 1. 可提供CPT、OPT、STEM OPT; 2. 可提供 [转正机会]; 3. 接受远程/实地实习; 4. 提供实习证明、全年背景调查; 5. 提供企业CEO亲笔署名推荐信 (可用于学校申请、未来其他求职); 6. 提供硅谷其他知名企业 (FLAG - Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon, Google) 内推和第三方Endorsements 我们的不同: * 不凭概率内推,直接Guaranteed结果,解决问题,再领着你提高 * 赢取时间差,真实实习累积实践经验,核心课程攻克专业技能 * 拥有丰沛人脉资源,领你入行,为自己创造机会 什么专业、岗位,你找,我们就有! [热门企业岗位] 应届毕业、职场新人11月强推Openings (11/5 更新) (1) 一家美国一线品牌电子yan雾化公司,该电子yan是美国旧金山PAX实验室公司推出的一款智能电子小烟,根据最新的媒体报道,2017年以46%的市场占有率超过blu等成为美国排名第一的电子yan。待遇优高于同行30%薪资水平。 (2) 一家致力于发现顶级创新私营公司投资机会的投资公司,为客户提供替代性全球资产配置,业务范围包括但不限于:投资分析、对冲基金、基金运作、市场营销等。团队由来自硅谷、华尔街的资本市场著名投资人和高级基金经理组成,团队成员曾领导香港IPO上市、及数十家公司的私募股权投资,在钻石、替代能源、半导体芯片、大数据和制药等行业均有投资,如SpaceX、Hyperloop、Virtuosys、Quectel Wireless、Palantir、Bio C。在发现和投资多个行业早期及成长阶段公司方面有着超高记录,此外还与行业领先的公司和投资银行保持着良好的关系。 (3) 家庭办公解决方案提供商,专注于提供结合了数字化和人体工程学概念的产品和解决方案,以帮助更多的家庭空间配备生产力和敏捷性。 (4) 斯坦福生物制药公司,致力于利用其穿透屏障的交付平台实现新疗法的早期开发(从临床到早期临床),通过更好的递送技术来开发针对耐药性疾病的新治疗策略。该公司通过最大程度地利用已知药物/候选药物和现有数据的优势,实现了通往临床和消费者市场的快速路径策略。 (5) SaaS行业全球领导者,主攻知识产权保护、货币化和市场营销等方面。其技术和产品通过为内容创造者提供控制和最大化社交网络价值的工具,改变公司对待线上用户的思维模式。通过内容识别和定制营销策略为全球最大的网络平台、电影制片厂、电视网络、体育联盟、音乐唱片公司,以及其他内容所有者提供服务。总部位于美国硅谷,在洛杉矶、纽约、澳大利亚、日本、伦敦、香港等设有办公室。 (6) 专注于全球创新中心运营和创新资源整合的专业机构,成立以来,已在全球7个国家、25个城市建立了31个实体创新中心,累计培育加速创新企业1363家,总估值超过140亿美元,多家企业成长为估值超过10亿元人民币的独角兽企业。凭借卓越的孵化加速能力和广泛的创新生态系统,设计打造了智能网联汽车、人工智能、物联网、AVR等创新产业集群。 华人财务会计: • 本科以上学历,财务会计或财务管理专业,有美国会计从业资格相关证书; • 三年以上会计工作经验,一年以上独立处理公司全盘帐务工作经验; • 熟悉国家财经及相关法规,可以为公司合理避税; • 熟悉财务软件的操作使用,熟练使用Excel等办公软件; • 诚实守信,有责任心,善于学习、做事耐心细致、稳定、吃苦耐劳踏实具有良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神; 美工设计师: • 广告设计、网页设计、视觉传达专业优先 • 能熟练使用Photoshop、Illustrators、Coreldraw等图形图像处理软件、会摄影 • 思维活跃,积极创新,对销售文案和产品卖点提取具有较强敏锐力 分公司负责人: • 分公司经理有团队领导力,能完成公司绩效考核要求可以充分发挥团队积极性,创造性,自律严格 • 做事踏实有条理,中英文沟通能力佳,有从业经验者佳。 Data Analyst: • Develop statistical frameworks for evaluating the quality of mental health clinicians • Develop novel algorithmic approaches for matching patients with specific treatment providers to improve clinical outcomes • Iterate and improve existing statistical approaches used to develop care plans for individual patients that maximise the likelihood of remission • Develop and execute study designs for prospective comparative efficacy studies • Create secure data deliverables across multiple contexts, such as: claims analyses/financial ROI, longitudinal treatment outcomes, provider quality, and risk stratification algorithms. Support Engineer, IoT: • Start with getting familiar with our IoT product production process onsite in our office in San Mateo, CA. • Help perform QA and troubleshooting for our product, both hardware, and software. Be able to react fast and draw solutions quickly for customer questions. • Liaise with the customer support team and engineering team to solve ongoing issues, aggregating, and analyzing feedback to support future product initiatives. • Work closely with internal cross-functional stakeholders across Customer Experience, Marketing, and Product. • Design and implement toolsets to improve the production process and customer experience. Product Manager: • Immediately start working with our top four customers. • Determine Product Requirements and segment them into must have vs nice to have. • Effectively work with a team of engineers to communicate customer requirements and develop timelines for commitment. • Developing the pricing of our Robot offering as a service • Drive the development of instructional manual, training manual and technical documentation in conjunction with outside help. • Supporting price testing, pricing research, pricing analytics, and eventual recommendations • Acting as local quarterback for go-to-market efforts • Gathering and sharing product feedback from customers, inside and outside Sales, product/engineering and the full range of Turing’s cross-functional teams • Quickly developing an understanding of customer profiles and use cases for the current in-market hardware products • Constantly gathering qualitative and quantitative product feedback and funneling back to engineering team to incorporate into the road-map. • Provide sales training documentation power points to training department for dissemination on all new releases and enhancements. • Offering creative problem solving and analytical reasoning • Being a strong leader willing to work in a diverse customer and employment environment worldwide. Field Support Engineer: • Start with getting familiar with our IoT product production process onsite in our office in San Mateo, CA. • Perform QA and troubleshoot our products, both hardware, and software. React fast and draw solutions quickly for customer questions. • Liaise with the customer support team and the engineering team to solve ongoing issues, aggregating, and analyzing feedback to support future product initiatives. • Work closely with internal cross-functional stakeholders across Customer Experience, Marketing, and Product. • Design and implement toolsets to improve the production process and customer experience. Accounting: • Oversee accounting department operations, G/L, A/P, A/R, Credit & Collections, Tax (income, sales, property, etc.), and Cash Management. • Direct the general ledger month-end close process and preparation of monthly consolidated financial statements, including revenue booking and reconciliation of intercompany accounts. • Deliver fully reviewed financial statements to the management on a timely monthly basis. • Prepare quarterly sales commission schedule. • Work closely with FP&A and Sales Operations functions to analyze and explain variances. • Plan and execute semi-annual and yearend inventory count. Review count results and identify the reasons for the discrepancies. • Manage annual external audit and quarterly review process. • Assist annual internal audit. UI/UX Designer: • Working on mobile and web applications - Designing useful, usable, and valuable omnichannel experiences • Developing assets in Sketch, Adobe Creative Suite, or Figma • Create wireframes, interaction design, and specifications for engineering. • Prototyping with tools such as InVision, Framer, Principle, or similar • Thinking strategically and delving into the details of both the experience and technology • Executing innovative, and scalable solutions based on our Design System 有意向的同学联系 - WeChat: x11zhang11 更多机会涵盖各大行业:IT、Business、Engineering、Bio & Arts * 24小时Guaranteed 硅谷 美国公司实习工作,提高全职机会 * 接触实际项目,清晰需求,提升真正需要的职业技能 * 跃升Local,参与企业创始人、Board高管社交活动 * 强资源推介,Internal Referral,面试、全职机会 唾手可得 我们提供一段真正有用的实习(强化自身简历背景),同时给予业界必备硬技能软技能提升材料/课程(巩固硬实力),最重要的,我们定期举办硅谷高端现场/线上企业高管社交活动(累积人脉资源) 对于有身份需求留学生,我们保障12个月合法靠谱OPT。为大家赢取时间,朝向对的道路前行! 有意向的同学联系 - WeChat: x11zhang11 没有遥不可及的目标,只有愿不愿意为理想奋斗的自己。 我们给对的人 最有价值的机会,每个人都值得成为更好且优秀的个体! 毕业/失业慌?抓紧时间,11月招募正在进行中 快速联系 - WeChat: x11zhang11
我是business adminisration,失业期到6/24/2020,然后基本上没人接我的简历。
刚毕业经验不足,大厂失利一两次没什么 我们就是从帮你累积行业界经历开始做起,同时提供技能学习素材、人脉资源 实实在在的一步一脚印,带你走出新天地
·生活百科 开放提交:能源消费者保护 (VIC)
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