加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民移民签证补充信息表


移民签证补充信息表-IMMIGRANT VISA SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET 警方证明-POLICE CERTIFICATES(警方证明即刑事犯罪记录证明) [16岁以上的签证申请人,必须提交自16岁后在其国家任何一个地点(居住过至少6个月)的警方证明。(斑主注:不必理会此段文字,不管曾在中国居住过多少城市,只需要在户口所在地公证处办理一份中国未刑公证即可,公证日期距离面试日期不超过一年) 如在其它国家呆过1年以上,也需提供该国的警方证明(Police Certificates)。一般来说,申请者需直接向居住地的警方机构办理此类证明。如果你对其它国家的办理证明地点和方式有疑问,你可以直接和处理你签证的领事馆联系]Police Certificates are required from every visa applicant aged 16 years or over for each locality of the country of the applicant's nationality of current residence where the applicant has resided for at least six months since attaining the age of sixteen. Police certificates are also required from all other countries where the applicant has resided for at least one year. Generally, application for such certificates should be made directly to police authorities in the district in which you resided. If you have any questions about where or how to apply for police certificates in other countries, you may communicate directly with the U.S. consular office processing your visa applications. [不要试图从以下你居住过的国家获得警方证明,因为在这些国家刑事犯罪记录证明是不可得的:]Do not attempt to obtain police certificates covering residence in any of the following countries, as they are not available:Afghanistan*-阿富汗  Angola*-安哥拉  Azerbaijan*-阿塞拜疆  Bangladesh*-孟加拉国  Bulgaria*-保加利亚  Cambodia-高棉,柬埔寨  Chad-乍得  Colombia*-哥伦比亚  Costa Rica*-哥斯达黎加  Chad-乍得  Equatorial Guinea*-赤道几内亚  Ghana-加纳  Guatemala*-危地马拉  Haiti*-海地  Honduras*-洪都拉斯  Indonesia-印尼 India (印度 )  Iran*-伊朗  Iraq*-伊拉克  Kazakhstan-哈萨克斯坦  Laos*-老挝国  Libya-利比亚  Malaysia*-马来西亚  Mexico墨西哥  Mongolia-蒙古  Nepal*-尼泊尔  Nicaragua*-尼加拉瓜  Pakistan*-巴基斯坦  Saudi Arabia*-沙特阿拉伯  Sierra Leone-塞拉利昂  Somalia*-索马里  Sri Lanka-斯里兰卡  Sudan-苏丹  Syria*-叙利亚共和国  Tajikistan- 塔吉克斯坦  Thailand*-泰国  Turkey*-土耳其  United States of America-美国  Uzbekistan*-乌兹别克斯坦  Venezuela*-委内瑞拉  Vietnam*-越南(按英文首字母排列) [在以下国家,仅当申请人目前居住该地,且亲自申请,才可以办理刑事犯罪记录证明]Police certificates from these countries are available only to persons physically present in the country who apply in person.Belarus-白俄罗斯  Brazil-巴西  Chile-智利  Comoros-科摩罗  Cuba*-古巴  Ethiopia-埃塞俄比亚  Kuwait*-科威特  Lebanon*-黎巴嫩  Paraguay-巴拉圭  Rwanda*-卢旺达  Suriname-苏里南  Ukraine-乌克兰  United Arab Emirates-阿拉伯联合酋长国  Yemen-也门 [如果你居住或曾居住在下列国家,请联系(美国)国家签证中心。国家签证中心将帮助你从那儿取得警方证明]Contact the National Visa Center (NVC) if you currently are, or have been a resident of one of the four countries listed below. NVC will assist you in obtaining Police Certificates from these countries.Bermuda-百慕大 Brunei-文莱 Korea*-韩国 Netherlands*-荷兰[国家签证中心的联系方式:]NVC may be reached by mail at: 32 Rochester Ave., Attn: CP4, Portsmouth, NH 03801-2909, USA or by calling (603)334-0700 注:如果您以前居住超过一年以上的国家,按照<>的说明,您不必提供此国家的警方证明,面试时最好带上相关的证据,以免不太懂这方面政策的VO要求补材料,请打印出美国移民局官方网站上关于警方证明的文件(下方的网址)带去面试(并且文件上写上下面的网址,以便VO核查):http://usembassy.state.gov/posts/mx2/wwwfdsl1083_e.pdf (注:以下信息可以省略,实际签证过程中没有要求这么严格) 服役记录-MILITARY RECORDS[上文中带星号的国家,服役记录不可得]Military records from the following countries and those above countries marked with an asterisk (*) are not available.[因与中国无关,略]……LETTER DSL-1083 4-98 MARRIAGE[作为一个准移民,如果你(外侨)的申请建立在和美国公民/合法永久居民的婚姻关系上,请在签证面试时准备合适的材料以证信你的婚姻关系]If your status as an intending immigrant depends upon a relationship established by a marriage between an alien and a United States citizen or legal permanent resident, please be prepared to present suitable documentation to establish the bona-fides of that marriage at the time of your immigrant visa interview.[经证实,以下材料在有关婚姻类型的签证中相当有用,准备具体何种材料因人而异]The following types of documentation have proven helpful in adjudication of visa cases involving marriages. The type of documentation you present will depend on your particular circumstances.[未能提供令人满意的材料可能会导致延迟你取得签证]Failure to present satisfactory documentation may delay issuance of your immigrant visa. ▲[共同承担生活费用的收据,如房租丶家俱丶电话等等]Receipts showing joint obligations for housing and living expenses, such as rent, utilities, telephone, and so forth;▲[共同的财政记录如抵押丶租约丶信用账户等等]Mortgages, leases, credit accounts, or other financial obligations undertaken jointly;▲[共同财产所有权的证据]Evidence of joint ownership of property;▲[共同管理资金丶联名帐户丶保险单丶退休金(养老金)计划的证据]Evidence of joint management of finances, such as joint bank accounts, insurance policies, retirement plans;▲[以前约会时和结婚后的电话帐单丶相片丶双方通信证据]Phone bill, photos, and correspondence between the married couple, dating from before and during the marriage;▲[和双方家庭成员的通信]Correspondence to both spouses from family members;▲[其他认识你们夫妇俩的人员所发的邀请丶贺卡丶通信等等材料]Evidence that those who know the parties recognize them as a married couple, such as invitations, cards, correspondence, and so forth;▲[过去几年联名提交的税单]Tax returns from past years showing joint filing;▲[其他证明双方已在经济丶婚姻上形成紧密纽带的材料或证据]Any other documentation or evidence would be suitable which shows that the parties to the marriage have formed a genuine economic and marital union. 来源网络

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华人网我19年7月递表格申请我太太过来,我太太人在中国,到现在20年1月份,我看到排期进度还是显示“无需排期”,请问我现在可以递交I-485吗? 评论 无需排期适用于受益人在美国境内。 ...



华人网请问塞班结婚的在美国本土算吗? 2001年在塞班和美国人结婚后就回国了.美国人也没申请当事人来美.但是现在老美已经再婚了.他都没有离婚就再婚了.老美说塞班结婚美国不承认的是吗 ...



华人网我校位于纽约法拉盛,成立20余年,是通过 NYS Education License, SEVP certified 以及CEA十年安全认证的语言学校(2019-2029)。可以发放出国学生签证所需的I-20表。 主要服务范围: 1)50个州转 ...



华人网请问现在持有IR5签证(父母团聚)是否可以直接进入美国?谢谢 评论 你好,请问你也是最近几天签证的吗?我也是申请父母 IR5签证 但是广州给了我父母 221g的进一步审查的单子,还不 ...



华人网大家好,请教个问题,我昨天试图从多伦多入境美国被拒绝了,他认为我的签证和我的目的不符合。但是我的B1、B2签证并没有被取消,事后我发现是我自己说话不清楚再加上边境人员理 ...



华人网1。 你不需要等到大学毕业再找工作。因为大学只收学费却不承诺你的未来。参加美军就是一个工作我们还帮你付学费直到你找到好工作再离开。2。美军保护你减少风险。在未来不够明 ...