今年1月份我已经陆续收到了485,130,131,765的收据。同时还收到一张765打指模的信。请问这个打指模只是为了申请工卡用的吗?那会不会再收到一封485的指膜信然后再打一次呢?还是只打这一次就好了。我一直认为85块的指模钱是交给485的,不知为何case type是765打指模。求解答,谢谢了!!!
For I-485/765/131, you need to do one time fingerprint. Check your fingerprint notice, on the top of the right side, you will be asked to do Code 3--if code 2 or code 1, that means something wrong.
For I-485/765/131, you need to do one time fingerprint. Check your fingerprint notice, on the top of the right side, you will be asked to do Code 3--if code 2 or code 1, that means something wrong. By Hank Huang
我的文件上显示的是code 2. 那么请问我到底是哪里错了呢?要怎么改正呢?或者我还会不会再收到一张打指模的信呢?
Code 3 means that 1) Background check (FBI-ten fingers print); 2) take photo for I-765/131 and green card; 3)do one one finger print for Green card.
Hank Huang 你好我也想请问你一个问题;我是父母移民申请绿卡。非常想知道现在父母移民打完指模后是否需要面谈?我们现已经接到了code3的打指模通知。按照你上面所说的code3的目的是为了背景调查,工卡和绿卡的,那么是否意味着我们不需要面谈了?非常感谢你的回答。
Some parents' cases need the interview, some not.If your parents' cases are transferred to California Service Center--no interview; if the cases are transferred to the local District Office, such as US CIS Los Angeles District Office which means they will have the interview.
谢谢Hank Huang。还请问Hank Huang可是我怎么才能知道我的case是转到了哪个地方咧?我的打指模通知信上的左上方落得款是deparment of homeland securityu.s.citizenship and immigration services 。这与你提到的两个地址都不同。有什么地方可以看出我的case是到了哪个部门的吗?
The National Benefit Center--US CIS Office in Chicago, will mail the Transferring Notice to you after 3 months.
谢谢Hank Huang 的回答。现在我的情况是,明天即2月10号我们夫妇打指模。按照你上面的说法,芝加哥移民局要在三个月后才给我通知告知我是否要面谈,对吗?如果我在打完指模后离开美国回中国,能否拿着返美证回来面谈,如果通知我面谈的话?又或者我回去中国了,我能否在接到面谈通知后再提出要求改在中国接受面谈?(注我是b2签证在美国境内提出的转换身份申请绿卡)再次谢谢你的专业回答。
1) If you want to go back China but have the interview in the USA, you need to get the Advance Parole, then you could leave.2) If you want to get interview in Guangzhou, you could leave withour Advance Parole.3) However, your cases will be transferred to National Visa Center in the USA for 4 Packages. After finishing the packages, the cases will be transferred to Guangzhou, and you need to wait 4-8 months, then get interview in Guangzhou.
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