加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民在美与公民结婚申请婚姻绿卡要求补材料,公民无
在美与公民结婚申请婚姻绿卡要求补材料,如何写解释信我老公是美国公民,在美结婚一个多月后,我在OPT过期前提交了绿卡申请(现OPT已过期)。前两天收到移民局要求在限期内补交Initial Evidence材料的通知,如下。1. Submit a complete Federal Income Tax Return submitted to the IRS from the petitioner/sponsor on Form I-864, Affidavit of Support, for the most recent tax year. If you were not required to file a Federal income tax return under US tax law, attach a written explanation and if applicable, evidence of the exemption and why you are subject to it. 2. Based on the document submitted with Form I-864, Affidavit of Support, for the petitioner/sponsor, the income did not meet 125% of the federal poverty line for the petitioner/sponsor's household size. Submit evidence of assets that meet the standards listed below or obtain joint sponsor.Assets standards must equal the stated difference between the sponsor's household income and 125% of the federal poverty line. Assets must equal the difference for applicant's filing as orphans or a spouse or child of an active duty military memberAssets must equal three times the difference for a spouse or child of a US citizen.Assets must equal five times the difference for all others.我老公过去三年没工作没交税记录(我们早在提交申请时已经交过解释信说明由于无工作没有报税记录),现在还要再写解释信吗? 怎么写证明没交税的解释信? 要一个证明人和公证吗? 老公的家人或朋友能做证明人吗?老公还需要准备什么补充材料吗?他四年前的报税记录要吗?或是他的资产如何证明?我本人还需要什么材料吗?我去年OPT期间的报税记录要吗?老公是sponsor吧,需要找一个联合担保人co-sponsor还是两个?co-sponsor有何要求,需准备什么材料(要去IRS吧)? 如果申请绿卡被拒,婚姻真实,我还能在美国继续住下去吗?急盼回复! 万分感谢!
收入不够可以请亲朋好友做联合担保人。不需要解释信,需要I-864。只需要过去一年的(有的移民官要求三年的)Tax Returns。最好找一个收入比较高的亲人做联合担保人。只要是真实婚姻,最终问题会得到解决的。收到I-485收据身份就是合法的。如果I-485被拒可以申诉,也可以重新申请。但是最好一次能批下来,不然还要花申请费。
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