加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民求好人帮忙翻译一下申请了一年的开案结果
各位大侠帮忙翻一下,帮忙分析了什么结果,感激不尽!!刚刚收到的开案决定如下: The respondent, a native and citizen of China, was ordered removed in absentia on June 27,2002. On September 21,2011,the respondent filed a motion to reopen proceedings, which the Immigration Judge denied on October 14,2011.The respondent filed a temly appeal of that decision. The record will be remanded. The decision in this is a form decision in which the Immigration Judge checked a box stating that the motion be denied for the reasons set forth in the Department of Homeland Security's opposition brief. on appeal, the respondent challenges the Immigration Judge's decision and argues that the decision failed to address the specific issues raised in the motion to reopen.We find that the Immigration Judge's decision is inadequate to advise the Board of the reasoning underlying her decision in that it does not include adequately identified findings of fact and substantive analysis addressing the respondent's motion to reopen proceedings. Se matter of A-p-,22 I&N Dec.468; matter of M-P, 22 I&N Dec. 4689BIA (1999)(BIA(1999),Accordingly, we will return the record to the Immigration Judge for further consideration of the respondent's motion and the entry of a new decision. ORDER:The record is returned to the Immigration judge for further proceedings consistent with the above opinion.
被告为中国公民,在2002年5月27日被命令要求离境,在2011年9月21日,原告提交了申请重新开案的诉讼,在2011年10月14日,移民法官否决了重新开案的要求,被告提出上诉,现予发回重审.移民法官的否决重新开案的判决是基于国土安全部的反对意见,在上诉中,被告提出了法官的失误并进行了陈述,我们发现法官的判决没有充分的考虑被告的事实进行判决,法官的观点不足以支持其判决,根据法律"matter of A-p-,22 I&N Dec.468; matter of M-P, 22 I&N Dec. 4689BIA (1999)(BIA(1999)",因此,我们发回该案至移民法庭,进一步考虑原告的观点作出新的判决.判决:案件发回重审个人分析:这有可能是两个结果:1,你胜诉,法官重新写你胜诉的判决.2,你败诉,原因是法官当初的判决太仓促不精确.如果是第二个,你需要在继续重新打官司,流程一样,建议增加证据至法庭.
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