加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民联合担保人声明信样本


主要包括三点:(1)自我介绍(住址,电话,工作情况等),介绍自己以前担保过多少人,什么名字,分别什么关系,他们现在在美国的工作情况。如果没有担保其他人,必须注明。(2)解释与美国申请人及中国申请人是什么关系,为什么愿意为她做经济担保;(3)保证在她到美国后,自己会尽担保人的责任,保证不会让她成为公众负担。例子一、AFFIDAVIT OF FIRSTNAME LASTNAME CASE NUMBER: GUZ******xI, FIRSTNAME LASTNAME, residing at1111 Abc Street, City, State.99999, USA, Being duly sworn depose and say,1. That I was born on MONTH dd, 19xx at City, Province, China-Mainland.2. That I am xx years of age and have resided in the U.S. since MONTH dd, 19xx.3. That I am receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which is not taxable and that I do not have to file Federal Income Tax according to the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service Publication 907 (Cat. No. 15308H), see attached supporting document. (我妈妈拿救济金,所以我这么写,如果没拿,这行就可以免了。)4. That this affidavit is being executed on behalf of the following persons:NAME, NAME, AND NAME. (所有需要担保的人的名字)5. That the primary beneficiary NAME is my daughter(sister, brother, son, etc). (主受益人和你的关系)6. That NAME , my daughter (son, son-in-law, dauther-in-law, uncle, etc) is the joint financial sponsor of person listed in item 4 in this affidavit. (谁是联合/副担保人,和你的关系)7. That this affidavit is made by me for the purpose of assuring the U.S. Government that the person named in item 4 will not become a public charge in the United States.Oath or Affirmation of DeponentI swear (affirm) that I know the contents of this affidavit signed by me and the statements are true and correct.Signature of deponent________________________ Date ______________二、AFFIDAVIT OF NAMECASE NUMBER: GUZ******XI, NAME, residing at 1111 StreetName. City, State 99999, USA, Being duly sworn depose and say,1. That I was born on MONTH XX, 19XX at City, Province, China-Mainland2. That I am xx years of age and have resided in the U.S. since MONTH XX, **X.3. That this affidavit is being executed on behalf of the following persons:NAME, NAME, AND NAME.4. That the petitioner, NAME, is my mother (sister, son, dauther,mother-in-law, ect).5. That the primary beneficiary NAME is my sister (brother, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, etc).6. That I am the joint financial sponsor of the persons name in item 3 in this affidavit.7. That this affidavit is made by me for the purpose of assuring the U.S. Government that the persons named in item 3 will not become a public charge in the United States.8. That I am willing and able to receive, maintain and support the persons named in item 3 and that I agree to furnish financial support during the entire five-year period beginning on the date the persons named in item 3 acquires the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence and ending on the date on which the persons named in item 3 become U.S. Citizens or the persons named in item 3 earned 40 qualified quarters of work in the United States.9. That the financial support which I furnish must be sufficient to maintain my family, including the persons named in item 3 in the United States, at a level equal to at least 125 percent of the current official poverty line for a family size as my family, including the persons named in item 3.Oath or Affirmation of DeponentI swear (affirm) that I know the contents of this affidavit signed by me and the statements are true and correct.Signature of deponent_____________________________ Date ______________源于网络

  ·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
·生活百科 出口有限按需



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华人网请问塞班结婚的在美国本土算吗? 2001年在塞班和美国人结婚后就回国了.美国人也没申请当事人来美.但是现在老美已经再婚了.他都没有离婚就再婚了.老美说塞班结婚美国不承认的是吗 ...



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华人网大家好,请教个问题,我昨天试图从多伦多入境美国被拒绝了,他认为我的签证和我的目的不符合。但是我的B1、B2签证并没有被取消,事后我发现是我自己说话不清楚再加上边境人员理 ...



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