加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民HOA要求拆除木地板,请问如何解决
是的, Mrs. LA 说的对,先要求HOA的管理委员会提出他们要你拆除的法律依据,- 你们那个Condominimum 的 by Law, 要他们指出来。 一般来说 在室内而且不影响房屋结构的装修,委员会是没有权力来干涉的。
一样情况 收到信 要求30天内拆according to the CC&R,没有邻居complain,因为board director是个obese guy没有工作整天在院子里晃,偷看到我家里。我的HOA CC&R这样说:3.17 SOUND TRANSMISSIONS: No Unit shall be altered in any manner that would increase sound transmissions, resonances or reverberations to any adjoining or other Unit, including, but not limited penetration of any wall, floor or ceiling that increases sound transmissions, resonances or reverberations to any other unit. No wood or stone floors shall be installed in any bedroom or den without the prior approval of the Architectural Review Committee and the Committe shall not grant approval unless the installation includes an appropriate level of acoustical separation designed and approved by a licensed enginneer or reverberations to any other Unit. All wood floors shall have pads and carpet runners or area rugs.
我回信给HOA,要求他们给我声音测试(SPL testing, RT60, STC, FSTC, IIC, and FIIC scores of the original flooring)如果他们给得出(I doubt) 我就去测试我的Bamboo Floor,斗争到底.BTW funny thing is they only wrote Wood or Stone. But in reality bamboo is not wood at all. It’s a type of grass... what an old CC&R.
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