加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民NIW补充材料后确定日期已过,仍没有改变状态,如何
各位专家和前辈我申报了NIW,并且现在补充材料已被收到,但确定日期已过,网上仍没有改变状态,为什么?我下一步需要如何做?Response To USCIS' Request For Evidence Was ReceivedOn December 29, 2014, we received your response to our Request for Evidence for your Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker , Receipt Number xxxxxxxx. Our Nebraska Service Center office will begin working on your case again. We will mail you a decision or notify you if we need something from you. You should receive a decision or case update by February 27, 2015, unless fingerprinting or an interview are needed. If you move, go to www.uscis.gov/addresschange to give us your new mailing address.非常感谢
davidwangjapan您好,您可以打电话1-800-375-5283追问案件的"Status",或者直接上网约"Info Pass"去移民局问案件的审理情况。华明胜律师事务所移民部主管Tina Xie
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