加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民哪些人不符合政治庇护申请条件


Asylum BarsYoucan be barred from both applying for and receiving asylum for certain actions.Barsto Applying for AsylumYoumay not be eligible to apply for asylum if you:· Did not follow theone-year filing deadline and did not file your Form I-589, Application forAsylum and for Withholding of Removal, within one year of your last arrival inthe U.S. or April 1, 1997, whichever is later.· Had a previous asylumapplication denied by an Immigration Judge or the Board of Immigration Appeals.· Can be removed to asafe third country under a two-party or multi-party agreement between theUnited States and other countries.Thereare exceptions to these bars for “changed circumstances” or “extraordinarycircumstances.” Both are defined in 8 CFR 208.4. For moreinformation on the bars and the exceptions, see our “Title 8, Code ofFederal Regulations” page.Bars from a Grant of AsylumYoucould be barred from a grant of asylum if we find that you:· Ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in the persecution of any person on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion· Were convicted of a “particularly serious crime” such that you are a danger to the United States· Committed a “serious nonpolitical crime” outside the United States· Pose a danger to the security of the United States· Have been firmly resettled in another country before arriving in the United StatesYouwill also be barred from receiving asylum if you are inadmissible because you:· Have engaged interrorist activity· Are engaged in or arelikely to engage after entry in any terrorist activity· · Have incited terroristactivity· Are a representativeof a foreign terrorist organization· Are a member of aterrorist organization· Have persuaded othersto support terrorist activity or a terrorist organization· Have receivedmilitary-type training from or on behalf of any organization that, at the timethe training was received, was a terrorist organization· Are the spouse orchild of an individual who is inadmissible for any of the above within the last5 years------------------翻译-------------------------有些人有可能不符合申请或者获得庇护的条件:不符合庇护申请条件的:1)在1997年4月1日以后入境,抵达美国后的一年内未提交I589提出申请者2)之前申请过庇护,且移民法官或者移民上诉委员会拒绝给予庇护者3)根据双边或多边协议可以前往安全第三国者(在8 CFR208.4定义的“情势变更”或“特殊情况”这两种情况下可以例外,具体请参阅我们的“标题8,联邦法规”页面。)不符合给予庇护条件的:1)曾经有过指挥,煽动,协助,或者参与因他人种族丶宗教信仰丶国籍丶所属社会团体丶或政治意见而迫害他人的行为。2)在美国之外犯有“某些特定罪行”的纪录。3)曾经在美国境外犯过任何“非政治类”的重罪。4)对美国国家安全构成威胁的5)在来美国之前,已经在第三国家稳定定居的。你同样不符合给予庇护条件的如果您:1)参加过恐怖主义活动2)正在从事或可能从事任何恐怖活动3)煽动过任何形式的恐怖活动4)是任何国外恐怖组织的代表5)是任何国外恐怖组织的成员6)曾经劝说他人支持恐怖主义活动或恐怖组织的7)在恐怖组织里接受过军事训练8)在过去5年内是恐怖主义份子的配偶或子女如需要服务,请联系邮件: [email protected] (千万别用微信了,聊天内容被监控)

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·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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