加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民iPhone 6有缺陷苹果遭集体诉讼(附登记链接)
新浪科技讯 北京时间8月30日凌晨消息,苹果公司(以下简称“苹果”)日前因iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus触摸屏失灵问题而被告上法庭。 原告在这起集体诉讼案件中称,苹果很早就意识到了这一设计缺陷,但始终拒绝修复该问题。与iPhone 5不同的是,苹果拒绝用金属“保护罩”来保护相关零部件。 原告在诉讼书中还称:“ iPhone已不适合作为智能手机来使用,因为它的触摸屏有缺陷。” 目前,苹果尚未对此发表评论。 iPhone 6触摸屏失灵问题是知名拆解网站iFixit上周曝出的。据悉,触控屏失灵并不是屏幕本身的问题,而是屏幕顶部会出现一个灰色丶闪烁条纹,随着时间的推移,这些条纹会逐渐扩大,使得屏幕对手指的触控反馈越来越差,从而出现没反应或反应不灵敏的问题。 在屏幕上施加压力或者扭转设备似乎能够暂时改善这种情况,但不久后灰色的条纹将再次出现,并且手机触摸变得更加不灵敏,直到触摸失效。该问题是由焊接在逻辑板上的触摸屏控制器芯片引起的,因此,即使更换屏幕也无法解决。(李明)北美的朋友如有屏幕失灵问题,可以参加集体诉讼(我已登记参加)。下面是律师事务所的链接,点击登记即可。这样官司结束后可以获得苹果公司的赔偿。http://mccunewright.com/iphone-6-touchscreen-defect/登记信息之后会收到律师事务所的确认邮件,并提供链接可以随时查询案子的最新进展。Thank you for contacting us regarding your interest in the Apple iPhone touchscreen class action. The case seeks to represent all owners of an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus in the United States who experienced issues with their touchscreen and, as such, you do not need to do anything to affirmatively opt into the case at this time. We have received a high volume of intakes and are unable to respond to everyone individually at this time.To assist with our investigation and prosecution of this case, we have created a short survey with questions about your experience with your defective iPhone. The survey can be accessed at surveymonkey.com/r/iPhone_6_Touchscreen_Defect_Survey. The survey should only take five minutes of your time and we would greatly appreciate any information you can provide to us through the survey.We cannot advise you on whether to have your defective device repaired while the case is pending. Through the class action, we are seeking reimbursement for all out-of-pocket expenses associated with the touchscreen defect, as well as warranty repairs for those who do not repair their iPhones. If you do pay for repairs to your iPhone related to this issue, please make sure to keep your receipts. We also highly recommend that you contact Apple directly regarding the touchscreen defect you are experiencing to ensure Apple has a record of your complaint.We will post updates to our website page as the case progresses, so please feel free to visitmccunewright.com/iphone-6-touchscreen-defect.If you have general questions relating to class action lawsuits, please visit our FAQs at mccunewright.com/class-action-faqs for more information.Thank you for contacting us.McCuneWright, LLP
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