加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民庇护没通过,现在申请结婚绿卡。表格问题求解
大家好,我有一个I-485表格的问题。我之前曾经申请过庇护,但是没有通过。因为一直有身份,所以没有转去移民法庭。现在要申请结婚绿卡,在I-485表格中有这么两个问题:25. Have you ever been arrested, cited, charged, or detained for any reason by any law enforcement offical (including but not limited to any US immigration official or any official of the US armed forces or US Coast Guard)?53. have you ever workedm volunteered, or otherwise served in any prison, jail, prison camp, detention facility, labor camp, or any other situation that involved detaining persons?因为之前庇护我有说过我被逮捕过,这两个问题是否都要回到"Yes"? 如果回答“yes"的话,那后面的解释应该如何填写?并且回答”yes"的话会不会对于申请结婚绿卡有负面的影响?谢谢大家!
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