加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民兵役登记问题
我是拿绿卡的,08年9月入境,今天我想注册兵役登记,因为入籍需要兵役号码,但我填资料,注册时候,显示我已经在08年9月的时候,登记了,我没登记过,为什么会显示,我已经注册的了???网页是这样说的Sorry.Our records indicate that you are already registered. Your Selective Service number and date you registered are shown below. Print a copy of this page for your records. You do not need to register again. If you have questions about your registration status, please call 1-847-688-6888. Selective Service Number: 891900000Date of Registration: 9/19/2008 我查找记录,就显示这些Sorry.Based on the information you submitted (information listed below), a registration record cannot be found for this individual. If you made a mistake when entering data, please try a New Search . If you entered the data correctly, there are several reasons why the registration may not be verifiable at this time. Please dial 1-847-688-3117 for further information. (3/7/2011 8:23:29 PM) Last Name: PANSocial Security Number: *** - ** - 3128Date of Birth: 08/04/1989这样的话,我是不是不需要再注册了?
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