加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民可以不可以先上交I
可以不可以先上交 I130,然后等来信需要补充材料后,再上交I485,I864?必须三个表格一起同时上交吗?i130 还需要上交其他的辅助材料吗?
如果没有排期问题,I-130 及I-485 可以一起交。但是申请人也可以选择偶I-130 及I-485 分开交。申请I-485 时必须同时交I-864 表。Good Luck!梁勇律师事务所 Law Offices of Jonathan Liang9300 Flair Dr., Suite 105, El Monte, CA 91731美国境内免费电话: 1-866-661-7705Tel: (626)288-7900,Fax: (626)288-7902,http://www.lianglaw.comemail: [email protected]
This question is not simple:1) Based on your situations--1) If you could apply for the immigration "immediately"--this word is used by US CIS--then you could file I-130/485/131/765 together, however, you also could file the I-130 first only, then after the I-130 approval, file I-485, but you may have twice interviews: one for I-130, one for I-485; also if only one interview for I-485, the US CIS officer will ask you why not file the cases together--to make you I-485 interview more difficult. 2) If not "immeditely" filing cases, then you only can file I-130 first--such as your husband/wife is a green card holder, you relatives is outside the USA, your husband/wife has a case in immigration court.
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