加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民婚姻移民,4个收据后多久要打指纹?
大家好,我在俄勒冈州,2011年底和老公在这里结婚,之后立即着手申请我移民,4个Receipt 上面表面,2012年1月3号USCIS收到我的申请,今天已经是2012年2月1号了,我还是没等到打指纹的通知,焦急万分啊,请各位同胞前辈们帮帮我,你们觉得有问题吗?
大家好,我今天上USCIS的网站,输入我的4个receipt number,其他3个都在initial review 阶段,唯独 I-485 的状态是,Request for Evidence 具体为: On January 24, 2012, we mailed a notice requesting initial evidence in this case. Please follow the instructions on the notice to submit the evidence requested. Meanwhile, processing of this case is on hold until we either receive the evidence or the opportunity to submit it expires. Once you submit the evidence requested and a decision is made, you will be notified by mail. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283. A request for evidence is made when an application/petition is lacking required documentation/evidence (initial evidence) or the officer needs more documentation/evidence (additional evidence) to determine an applicant's eligibility for the benefit sought. We may send you a request for evidence at any stage of our review. The request will indicate what evidence or information is needed for us to fully evaluate your application or petition. The notice will explain where to send the evidence and will give the deadline for your response. Your application or petition will be held in suspense during that time. If you receive a request for evidence and have questions about what you need to submit, you may call our National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.我至今还没收到里面所说的1月24号寄出的letter,打电话问USCIS到底是什么letter,他也不清楚,让以收到的letter为准。我很着急,不知这里有什么名堂,是要我补材料吗? 还是?可能就是fingerprint的通知?请Mrs LA以及各位高人指教,感激不尽!
多谢大家的回答!本人自从在USCIS网上看到那个Request for Evidence的状态后,一直惶惶不可终日,而且至今未收到那封神秘的USCIS所称的1月24号寄出的RFE letter。发到是今天,2月7日,我接到USCIS打指纹的通知,我读了又读,里面没有提及认识补充材料的内容,只是说让我3月1号11点去波特兰打指纹。同志们,我很晕啊,这是怎么回事啊?难道他们网上打错了?根本不需要补充任何材料?还是。。。。。一共有两封letter,一封我已经收到,就是3月1号去按指纹的通知,另一封所谓的“Request for Evidence”的letter是存在的,只是迟迟未到?我好晕,请大伙帮忙分析分析,什么情况???感激不尽!!!
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