分享时间表,供大家参考。1,Oct. 04 - 邮寄出去。建议大家重要的东西还是用FedEx next day service比较放心。2,Oct. 06 - USCIS收到PKG3, Oct. 09 - 开始进入审理阶段4,Oct. 15 - 收到text msg /email receipt5, Oct. 16 - Chase online banking 显示3张checks费用扣除6,Oct. 22 - 收到三封收据7, Dec. 14 - 收到 I-765已通过的邮件:Application Type: I765 , APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATIONYour Case Status: DecisionOn December 14, 2012, your I765, APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION was approved. You will be notified of the decision by mail. Please check our website at www.uscis.gov for further updates on your case, including when the approval notice is mailed. If you do not receive the approval notice within 30 days, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance.8,Dec. 19 - 约了infopass,想当面问一下为何还没收到打指纹的通知信。9, Dec.27 - 第三次打USCIS电话问指模信是否寄出。回复是上周已经寄出,请耐心等待。10,Dec.30 - 终于收到打指模信了。预约&取消 infopass都是免费的。11,Jan.10 - 打指印。很快,20多分钟就打好指纹&拍好照了。12,Jan. 15 -Application Type: I765 , APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATIONYour Case Status: Card/ Document ProductionOn January 15, 2013, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.13, Jan 16-Application Type: I765 , APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATIONYour Case Status: Card/ Document ProductionOn January 16, 2013, we mailed the new card directly to the address we have on file. You should receive your new card within 30 days. If you do not, or if you move before you get it, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.接到上面邮件提醒之后,我就去查USCIS case status,网上告知了我的tracking#,去USPS网站上track了一下,预计Jan 18会收到EAD卡。14,Jan 18* 收到工卡,有效期为1年* I 485: Case Status: Testing and Interview15,Jan 29接到USCIS的邮件:Application Type: I485 , APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUSYour Case Status: Testing and InterviewOn January 27, 2013, we mailed you an appointment notice for an interview for February 27, 2013, at NATIONAL BENEFITS CENTER. Please follow the instructions on the notice.开始准备1个月之后的面试。16, Jan 30收到面试通知信,上有面试的具体时间地点。17,Feb 276点起床6点半出门7点半准时到immigration building通过安检进入2楼大厅7:40am开始面试,移民官是位和蔼可亲的华裔女人,时不时还跟我俩微笑,事无巨细问了好多问题,直到8:21am才放我们出来。当时没有给通过,而是给了一张further review的信,理由是要查公民方报税是否足够sponsor外籍配偶。2:54pm 收到早上这位移民官的来电,问了一些出生纸和户籍证明的问题。我说,我现在立即给父母打电话要户口本复印件。移民官说,好,我十分钟之后再打电话过来。3:30 pm 没有再次收到移民官电话,而是收到了USCIS email说已经order绿卡了。18, March 04,2013又收到USCIS email说已经order绿卡了。19, March 05, 2013上午收到USCIS email说绿卡已经邮寄出来了。下午又收到email告知USPS tracking#.去邮寄网上查了一下,expected delivery date is March 0720, March 07, 2013收到绿卡。同使,收到USCIS email提醒说USPS 已经把信寄到了,请查收。(这个时间表属于比较拖沓的,运气好的朋友12月底就可以拿到绿卡了)
看到有朋友提前去要求采集指纹,运气好,马上打了。但是如果办公室太忙,恐怕会不行。 By LucyFurrer
你说到5, Oct. 16 - Chase online banking 显示3张checks费用扣除.是哪3张checks?你是在美国调整身份吗?
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