加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民不是本人寄I


我老公是加洲的现在人在中国,我们已经将I-130和其它资料都交到住在加洲美国的亲属那里,现在我亲属应该帮我寄到 Chicago还是Phoenix?

一般加州应该寄到 Chicago

申请人可以通过附加 G-1145 表格,来第一时间获悉申请的收件确认。表格的版本号是 Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance (Rev. 09/14/09)Y Expires 09/30/14.表格和填表说明下载http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/g-1145.pdf表格简单,填上你的姓名,以及 email丶手机号即可。如果你只想收短信,或是只收 email,就只填一个。当你的申请在移民局被输入进系统的同时,移民局同时电子通知申请人其申请的收据号,通过提供的 email 或手机号。一般三丶五天之后,申请人(或其代理律师)就收到邮寄的收件通知了。由上可见,G-1145 的好处只是省下了收件通知的邮寄时间。如果申请在移民局有录入的延误,G-1145 也无法帮你。G-1145 表格上没有指明你要求电子确认的申请表格号。当你有多份表格同时递交,需要电子确认时,只需附一份 G-1145 表,即使这些表格是由不同的申请人而填写的。G-1145 表放置在申请的最上面。加州单一递交I-130的地址是Phoenix详见:第5页http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-130instr.pdf移民局收表的地址,通常都提供两个。一个是信箱地址,这个 PO Box 是邮局的,只有 USPS 才能用。象别的 Carriers,象 FedEx丶UPS 等,是 access 不了邮局的信箱的。使用它们的服务,你需要用移民局的街道地址。对于邮局信箱地址的信件,FedEx/UPS 通常都不接受。如果收了,这样的信件也只是送到目的地附近的 station,然后通过邮局寄份领取通知去邮局的信箱。所以,PO Box 是会耽误时间的。另外,USCIS 说过每天只取一次信箱,如果你寄往 PO Box 地址的申请,刚好是在 USCIS 取件之后到的,那就会迟一天的。如果你是特别赶时间,就用移民局的街道地址,不管是用邮局的服务,还是别的。使用 USPS 的 service,不一定要 Express,除非是特别赶时间。Priority mail 就挺好了,2-3 天,经济实惠,窗口服务时一定要加上 Delivery Confirmation.请寄往USCIS指定信箱。地址如下:美国邮局邮寄的地址(For U.S .Postal Service, USPS)USCISATTN:I-130PO Box 21700Phoenix AZ85036快递方式邮寄的地址:(For Express mail and commercial courier deliveries)USCISAttn:I-1301820 E Skyharbor Circle SSuite 100Phoenix AZ85034


据以下移民局公报, Chicago.USCIS Centralizes Filing of Form I-130Improved Process for Petitioners Abroad will Increase Efficiency and FlexibilityPublished May 16, 2011; revised Aug. 10, 2011WASHINGTON - Effective Aug. 15, 2011, petitioners residing in countries without USCIS offices must file their Form I-130, Petition for an Alien Relative, with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) lockbox facility in Chicago. This change makes the filing process more efficient and gives USCIS greater flexibility in managing its workload.Petitioners residing in a country with a USCIS office may send their petitions to the USCIS Chicago lockbox, or file at the USCIS office in that country. Overseas petitioners filing with the lockbox should expect processing times similar to petitions filed domestically, which currently stand at five months.Based on a Policy Memorandum published in July 2011, these petitioners will also be granted more time to respond to Requests for Evidence (RFE). Applicants and petitioners residing outside the United States are now given up to 12 weeks to respond to RFEs, plus an additional 14 days to account for overseas mail.Previous regulations permitted individuals overseas, who comprise about 5 percent of all I-130 petitioners, to file with USCIS or their local U.S. Embassy or consulate. Under the new process, USCIS may authorize the Department of State to adjudicate their case in certain emergency situations, including when: A U.S. service member stationed overseas becomes aware of a new deployment or transfer with very little notice. A petitioner or beneficiary is facing an urgent medical emergency that requires immediate travel. A petitioner or beneficiary is facing an imminent threat to personal safety. A beneficiary is within a few months of aging out of eligibility. The petitioner and family have traveled for the immigrant visa interview, but the petitioner has naturalized and the family member(s) require a new, stand-alone petition. The petitioner adopted a child and there is an imminent need to leave the country.Individuals who must file Form I-130 at the Chicago lockbox should use the addresses provided in the revised form instructions, also available on www.uscis.gov/I-130:For U.S. Postal Service:USCISP.O. Box 804625Chicago, IL 60680-4107For express mail and courier deliveries:USCISAttn: I-130131 South Dearborn - 3rd FloorChicago, IL 60603-5517This new process was published in the Federal Register on May 17, 2011. Additional details are available in the related interim Policy Memoranda, issued Aug. 10, 2011. Individuals with questions or concerns should contact the USCIS National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.

我老公可以用旅游的身份在中国等我 直到我面签吗?


我老公可以用旅游的身份在中国等我 直到我面签吗? By serena818

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·生活百科 包裹隔热围绕A/C管道



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