加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民移民面签通过之后,还要补充材料的几个问题
大家好,我2010年-2012年期间曾经以J1身份去美国交流访问(原计划是2012年8月30日回国,后来经留学基金委同意,提前了3个月,6月2日就已经离开了美国,但是我的DS2019表还是显示原来的日期)。上周CR1面签回来,签证官说我通过了。今天收到要我补充材料的通知,让我提供进一步证据证明我2012年6月回中国的日期。要求我提供中国出入境管理局的声明,详细阐述我回国的日期(a STATEMENT from China's Entry/Exit Bureau detailing my dates of arrival in China)。请问这样一份声明应该如何获得。我查到我现在所在的省出入境管理局可以查5年内的出入境记录,那么我去省管理局让他们打印一份这样的记录可以吗?要找人翻译成英文吗?
Lucy,In that email, it also said "All applicants' immigrnt visas required additional processing; please follow the instructions below and submit your passports, and two new visa photos for each applicant..."When I interviewed last Tuesday, the US consular official did not take my 2 visa photos. Does that mean that they're asking for it now? I'm a little confused. It sounds to me like they did not take it, but they want you to submit the photo later after the interview?
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