加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民关于去inforpass
求大侠点解,本人于3月31号2015在纽约婚姻绿卡面试完移民官给张纸your case is being held for file review in order to prepare a decision.you will be advised by mail as to a decision on your application.no additional information is necessary from you at this time,however,if upon further review,additional information or evidence is required,you will receive a notice in the mail.please respond to any requests in a timely manner. failure to do so will result in denial of your application. please allow 60 days from todays date before making an inquiry on your case.叫回去等通知.现在马上60天,还是没动静,6月9号准备去inforpass有用吗,而且本人是真实婚姻而且小孩都两个了,移民局这是什么情况,去年inforpass要注意什么,希望知道的朋友支个招
·生活百科 安装批准的问题
·生活百科 消费 /生产计