请问大家,在I 130表格上B Information about You 第10项,Alien Registration Number 公民申请人还需要将以前绿卡上的A number 填上吗?C Information about your relative 第22项,your relative is in U.S. And will apply AOS at the USCIS office in what city and state?这个地区办公室如何获知?网上查filed office吗?谢谢!
以前的绿卡上有A number。可以在移民局的网站上查到自己的local office。
I-130表格第22. Complete the information below if your relative is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status.受益人不在境内,或准备在广州申请移民签证者,略过此问Your relative is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status to that of a lawful permanent resident at the USCIS office in:受益人是在境内申请状态调整,请指明移民局地点(请选择一个将来面试方便的移民局办公室所在的城市)http://www.uscis.gov/about-us/find-uscis-office/field-offices
请问大家,在I 130表格上B Information about You 第10项,Alien Registration Number 公民申请人还需要将以前绿卡上的A number 填上吗?C Information about your relative 第22项,your relative is in U.S. And will apply AOS at the USCIS office in what city and state?这个地区办公室如何获知?网上查filed office吗?谢谢! By 斑马鱼
以前绿卡号不用填,写None or N/A 就可以了。
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