加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民请教大神怎么把面谈从广州改到美国



移民局收到I-485就知道安排你在辖区的移民局local office采集指纹和面谈。可以给NVC回信,说明自己在美国境内调整身份。


移民局收到I-485就知道安排你在辖区的移民局local office采集指纹和面谈。可以给NVC回信,说明自己在美国境内调整身份。 By LucyFurrer


填写I-130移民申请表格自己的疏漏所造成。22. Complete the information below if your relative is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status.受益人不在境内,或准备在广州申请移民签证者,略过此问Your relative is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status to that of a lawful permanent resident at the USCIS office in:受益人是在境内申请状态调整,请指明移民局地点(请选择一个将来面试方便的移民局办公室所在的城市)(City) 城市(Country) 国家输入你们家的邮编,看看附近的移民局在何方。


填写I-130移民申请表格自己的疏漏所造成。22. Complete the information below if your relative is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status.受益人不在境内,或准备在广州申请移民签证者,略过此问Your relative is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status to that of a lawful permanent resident at the USCIS office in:受益人是在境内申请状态调整,请指明移民局地点(请选择一个将来面试方便的移民局办公室所在的城市)(City) 城市(Country) 国家输入你们家的邮编,看看附近的移民局在何方。 By 亨特

多谢亨特,我翻了一下我的I130 填写记录,我这一项当时填写的是美国的城市,但是还是给我安排了广州的面试呀


By 亨特 填写I-130移民申请表格自己的疏漏所造成。22. Complete the information below if your relative is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status.受益人不在境内,或准备在广州申请移民签证者,略过此问Your relative is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status to that of a lawful permanent resident at the USCIS office in:受益人是在境内申请状态调整,请指明移民局地点(请选择一个将来面试方便的移民局办公室所在的城市)(City) 城市(Country) 国家输入你们家的邮编,看看附近的移民局在何方。

By 一朵小鲸鱼 多谢亨特,我翻了一下我的I130 填写记录,我这一项当时填写的是美国的城市,但是还是给我安排了广州的面试呀

“墨菲定律”(Murphy's Law)是这样说的:Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. :“凡事只要有可能出错,那就一定会出错。”那就是移民局的疏漏,等你收到移民局I-485的收据后,网上预约InfoPass,带好I-130收据等文件前往咨询。

你这个问题我之前困惑了很久,给NVC写了三封邮件,最近收的确切回复如下(NVC基本上是2-3个月才回复邮件),给你参考。貌似一年之内还得再联系下他们呢。Dear Sir/Madam:The National Visa Center (NVC) received your inquiry regarding the immigrant visa petition: xxxxxxxxx filed by xxxxx on behalf of xxxxxx.Thank you for telling us that xxxxxx plans to adjust to lawful permanent resident status in the United States. If xxxxx has not already done so, he or she should contact U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for instructions. xxxxx should disregard any instructions we sent to him or her, since those were for immigrant visa processing. You can contact USCIS at 1-800-375-5283or by visiting their website, uscis.gov.We will tell you when USCIS asks us to send them your petition.Do not let more than one year pass without contacting the National Visa Center (NVC) concerning this visa petition. If a period of one year passes from the last date of contact (by telephone, mail, or email) with the NVC, the case will begin the termination process. Even if xxxxxx plans to adjust status with USCIS, this case should remain active in case his or her circumstances change in the future.


你这个问题我之前困惑了很久,给NVC写了三封邮件,最近收的确切回复如下(NVC基本上是2-3个月才回复邮件),给你参考。貌似一年之内还得再联系下他们呢。Dear Sir/Madam:The National Visa Center (NVC) received your inquiry regarding the immigrant visa petition: xxxxxxxxx filed by xxxxx on behalf of xxxxxx.Thank you for telling us that xxxxxx plans to adjust to lawful permanent resident status in the United States. If xxxxx has not already done so, he or she should contact U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for instructions. xxxxx should disregard any instructions we sent to him or her, since those were for immigrant visa processing. You can contact USCIS at 1-800-375-5283or by visiting their website, uscis.gov.We will tell you when USCIS asks us to send them your petition.Do not let more than one year pass without contacting the National Visa Center (NVC) concerning this visa petition. If a period of one year passes from the last date of contact (by telephone, mail, or email) with the NVC, the case will begin the termination process. Even if xxxxxx plans to adjust status with USCIS, this case should remain active in case his or her circumstances change in the future. By Lucy0623




我打算明天寄出I-485呢,呵呵。九月份的排期。NVC半年前就开始给我发电邮了,让我办理广州签证的手续,然后我就给他们发邮件打电话解释说我先生会在美国境内调整身份,不需要广州签证。但是我不清楚你的具体情况,我之前提交130的时候就选择的美国,没有选择广州领事馆。 By Lucy0623

握手~我们的排期是一样的呢。我也是9月到排期,前两天刚寄出去I-485。我之前I-130里也选的是美国,nvc粗心了。你发邮件是发给[email protected]的么?如果要很久才要回复就糟啦,通知我9月21号去面试!

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