加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民I 864 表格填写求帮忙
各位大哥,, 小弟要填写I 864 form 遇到问题,在part 6 问题中要我填写最近三年收入My total income (adjusted gross income on Internal RevenueService (IRS) Form 1040EZ) as reported on my Federal incometax returns for the most recent three years was: 19.a. Most Recent year 51.00019.b. 2nd Most Recent year 45.000 19.c. 3rd Most Recent year 25.000 然后紧接是part7,是optional 它是这样子写的Part7 USE OF ASSET TO SUPPLEMENT INCOME (optional)If your income, or the total income for you and yourhousehold, from Part 6., Item Numbers 19.a. - 19.c., exceedsthe Federal Poverty Guidelines for your household size, YOUARE NOT REQUIRED to complete this Part 7. Skip toPart 8.问题来了我的第一年的收入(19c) 没达标,后面两年(19b, 19a) 有达标,按上面的意思19a 到c 都要达标才不用填part7. 可是我读i864 form instruction 是这样写的Part 7. Use of Assets to Supplement Income (Optional)Only complete Part 7. if you need to use the value of assets to meet the income requirements. If your Current AnnualHousehold Income (indicated on Part 6., Item Number 15.) is equal to or more than needed to meet the incomerequirement as shown by the current Federal Poverty Guidelines (Form I-864P) for your household size (indicated onPart 5., Item Number 8.), you do not need to complete this Part. If your total household income does not meet therequirement, you may submit evidence of the value of your assets, the sponsored immigrant’s assets, and/or assets of ahousehold member that can be used, if necessary, for the support of the intending immigrant(s). The value of assets of allof these persons may be combined in order to meet the necessary requirement.我current income 51.000(我在item15有写了)有超过了125percent poverty guideline, 那我到底要不要填part7 啊, 谢谢大家帮忙
非常感谢 jerry。
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