12岁小孩,没找律师。Part5是不是应该先选择 I can read and understand……,然后在签名处签父亲的名字,再写上on behalf of“小孩名”。然后在下一格print出父亲的全名?因为没找律师,所以整个Part6就空着不管。我的理解对吗?谢谢!
12岁小孩,没找律师。Part5是不是应该先选择 I can read and understand……,然后在签名处签父亲的名字,再写上on behalf of“小孩名”。然后在下一格print出父亲的全名?因为没找律师,所以整个Part6就空着不管。我的理解对吗?谢谢! By changbaihou
Legal Requirements for the Signature on Petitions and Immigration Benefit ApplicationsApplicants and Petitioners: Applicants and petitioners must sign their respectiveapplications and petitions. The signature must be an original signature. Parents and legal guardians may sign for children under age 14. Legalguardians may sign for individuals who are incompetent to sign. In suchcases, the filing must include evidence of parentage or legalguardianship if not otherwise required for the immigration benefit being sought.Acceptable Signature for E-Filings:Electronic signature rules apply to forms filed electronically inaccordance with the instructions on the form. http://www.uscis.gov/forms/signature-requirements-uscis-forms
Legal Requirements for the Signature on Petitions and Immigration Benefit ApplicationsApplicants and Petitioners: Applicants and petitioners must sign their respectiveapplications and petitions. The signature must be an original signature. Parents and legal guardians may sign for children under age 14. Legalguardians may sign for individuals who are incompetent to sign. In suchcases, the filing must include evidence of parentage or legalguardianship if not otherwise required for the immigration benefit being sought.Acceptable Signature for E-Filings:Electronic signature rules apply to forms filed electronically inaccordance with the instructions on the form. http://www.uscis.gov/forms/signature-requirements-uscis-forms By knownbad
谢谢,不过这些话等于没说。还是不知道具体该怎么操作。 By knownbad Legal Requirements for the Signature on Petitions and Immigration Benefit ApplicationsApplicants and Petitioners: Applicants and petitioners must sign their respectiveapplications and petitions. The signature must be an original signature. Parents and legal guardians may sign for children under age 14. Legalguardians may sign for individuals who are incompetent to sign. In suchcases, the filing must include evidence of parentage or legalguardianship if not otherwise required for the immigration benefit being sought.Acceptable Signature for E-Filings:Electronic signature rules apply to forms filed electronically inaccordance with the instructions on the form.http://www.uscis.gov/forms/signature-requirements-uscis-forms
By changbaihou
父母可以代14岁以下的孩子签名。 By Jerry&Benny
你这话也等于没说,继续求教Lucy和亨特。 By Jerry&Benny 父母可以代14岁以下的孩子签名。
By changbaihou
Parents and legal guardians may sign for children under age 14 = 父母和监护人可以代14岁以下未成年人签名。In such cases, the filing must include evidence of parentage or legal guardianship if not otherwise required for the immigration benefit being sought = 在以上情形必须附加父母或是监护人和未成年人关系证明。我相信你不是未成年人可以自主思考决定。 你可以聘请律师代你思考甚至签名代理,但这不是你的意愿。
谢谢,不过这些话等于没说。还是不知道具体该怎么操作。 By knownbad Legal Requirements for the Signature on Petitions and Immigration Benefit ApplicationsApplicants and Petitioners: Applicants and petitioners must sign their respectiveapplications and petitions. The signature must be an original signature. Parents and legal guardians may sign for children under age 14. Legalguardians may sign for individuals who are incompetent to sign. In suchcases, the filing must include evidence of parentage or legalguardianship if not otherwise required for the immigration benefit being sought.Acceptable Signature for E-Filings:Electronic signature rules apply to forms filed electronically inaccordance with the instructions on the form.http://www.uscis.gov/forms/signature-requirements-uscis-forms
By changbaihou
他发了几个问题都有问题,根本在找茬。 例如以下,不必放心上。《出生证》丶《结婚证》都不需要公证吧? Posted: 2015/12/02 2:33 pmReply with quote 只要有中国政府颁发的原版《出生证》《结婚证》,USCIS都不需要公证吧?都是申请人过于小心在画蛇添足吧?
你这话也等于没说,继续求教Lucy和亨特。 By Jerry&Benny 父母可以代14岁以下的孩子签名。
By changbaihou
By Jerry&Benny 你理解力有问题而且很无礼。
一般来说,超过 14 周岁的申请人,必须是自己在所有的表格上签字。一般以英文签名,有困难者可用本国文字;不通文字者,可以画叉 (✕) 来示。不足 14 岁的申请人,可以由家长或监护人代签。代签者不是签自己的名字,而是签少儿名。并附一括号,为注。如 “(by Parent/Guardian) ”.如果表格不是申请人自己填写的,填表人也要在“Signature of Person Preparing Form”处签字划押。当你的孩子不足14岁时,作为家长或监护人,你可以代签。另外,还有代填人处也要签名的。如果孩子已经14岁了,就必须自己签名。
我只想让自己的申请顺利进行,没工夫去找茬。对于小孩签名问题,我Google旧帖,并询问了很多人,得到了不同的答案。有人签小孩名丶有人作为父母签自己的名字丶有人留白不签(不同律师的做法也不一样)。对于part6,有人fill out,有人留白。这样就有起码6种组合。现在已知在part5处不签名是必定退回的。但到底是签小孩名,还是大人名;还有part6到底填不填,众说纷纭。至于你提的《结婚证》和《出生证》要不要公证一事,我现在的结论是:不需要,他们在画蛇添足。最后谢谢亨特的指教。
他发了几个问题都有问题,根本在找茬。 例如以下,不必放心上。你理解力有问题而且很无礼。 By knownbad
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