加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民绿卡的补发及换新
你没有收到绿卡,或是绿卡不见了,移民局会告诉你填写 I-90 去补发。另外,如果你的十年绿卡到期,年满 14 岁,或有居住/通勤之变化,也用 I-90 表格。表格的另外用处,就是更正绿卡上的信息,不管是移民局出错还是自己改名或其它信息。还有,过去的不带有效期的绿卡,已经作废。要填此表来换新的。当 I-485 批准之后,你却迟迟没有收到绿卡。只有你收到过 "we ordered production of your new card" email,才能填 I-90. 因为你的绿卡还没有制作的话,你只能去当地的移民局,要求盖 I-551 绿卡章。对于临时绿卡来说,填写 I-90 是申请一张具有同样有效期的临时绿卡,而不是将临时绿卡转正。将两年期的临时绿卡,转为十年期绿卡,正确的申请表格是 I-751(婚姻绿卡)或 I-829(投资绿卡)。本表的版本号是 Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card (Rev06/30/15.)Y Expires10/31/17 .表格下载 http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-90.pdf填表说明 http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-90instr.pdf申请费 $365, 另 $85 指纹费。Part 1. Information About You.第一部分应该没有同学不会填。Family Name - 姓Given Name - 名Middle Initial - N/AU.S. Mailing Address - C/O - 住址关于“C/O”的用法,参见“移民局填表 ABC”。http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/14332/200707/212.html#signatureStreet Number and NameApt. #CityStateZIP CodeDate of Birth(Month/Day/Year)Country of BirthSocial Security #A #Part 2. Application Type第二部分问你的绿卡状态,以及申请理由。1. My status is:a. Permanent Resident - (Not a Commuter)绿卡选此项。b. Permanent Resident - (Commuter)不居住美国而在边境通勤者绿卡,选此项。c. Conditional Permanent Resident两年的临时绿卡选此项。(再说一遍,不能转正)2. Reason for application: (check one)I am a Permanent Resident or Conditional Permanent Resident and:a. My card was lost, stolen or destroyed.原卡丢失丶被盗或被毁b. My authorized card was never received.未曾收到(寄往你当前地址的绿卡没有退回移民局的话,你不选此项而是上面的 a)c. My card is mutilated.原卡破损d. My card was issued with incorrect information because of a USCIS administrative error. I have attached the incorrect card and evidence of the correct information.绿卡上个人信息有误(个人原因造成的失误不选此项而是下面的 e)e. My name or other biographic information has changed since the card was issued.姓名或其它信息更改I am a Permanent Resident and:f. My present card has an expiration date and it is expiring.绿卡到期(可提前六个月申请)g. I have reached my 14th birthday since my card was issued.年满14岁(可提前 30 天申请)h. 1. I have taken up Commuter status.改通勤h. 2. I was a Commuter and am now taking up residence in the U.S.通勤改居住i. My status has been automatically converted to permanent resident.自动成 PRj. I have an old edition of the card.老卡换新(以前的绿卡没有失效期)Part 3. Processing information.Mother's First NameFather's First NameCity of Residence where you applied for an Immigrant Visa or Adjustment of Status身份调整时或申请移民签证时所居住的城市Consulate where Immigrant Visa was issued or USCIS office where status was Adjusted颁发移民签证的领馆,或批准身份调整的移民局机构City/Town/Village of Birth出生地Date of Admission as an immigrant or Adjustment of Status移民签证入境日或身份调整批准日If you entered the U.S. with an Immigrant Visa, also complete the following:以移民签证入境的,还有下面两问。Destination in U.S. at time of Admission入境时的目的地Port of Entry where Admitted to U.S.入境口岸Are you in removal/deportation or recission proceedings?是否正被递解Since you were granted permanent residence, have you ever filed Form I-407, Abandonment by Alien of Status as Lawful Permanent Resident, or otherwise been judged to have abandoned your status?有无填I-407放弃绿卡上面两问有答“是”者,另附纸说明。Part 4. Signature.不足14岁的申请人之签字,参见“移民局填表 ABC”。Part 5. Signature of person preparing form, if other than above.申请清单:I-90,和申请费(14 岁仅指纹费 $80)绿卡复印件(绿卡到期)绿卡复印件或驾照丶护照(绿卡丢失)I-485丶I-751丶前 I-90 收据复印件,并双份 I-90(绿卡未曾收到)法庭文书或结婚证(绿卡改名)有出错信息的绿卡,并双份 I-90(绿卡信息出错)移民局规定了下面的情形不需要交申请费:绿卡上的信息有误,是移民局出了错(如出生地是大陆被列成台湾)。如果是申请人的失误,不能以 2(d) 申请,而是 2(e) 并要附费。绿卡从未收到。如果绿卡是寄往申请人的当前地址,且没有退回移民局,申请人不能以 2(b) 申请,而是 2(a) 并要附费。你及时更新了地址,却没有收到寄往老地址的绿卡,退回移民局与否均无费。申请人只是因为年近 14 岁注册,而原有绿卡到 16 岁才到期。I-90的处理在2-3个月之间,快的只有几个星期。如果你属于免费的情形而交了费用,可以要求退费。提交你的I-90表格应用两种选择:在网上,或通过邮件(纸)。•您提交表格I-90网上在线提交,请点击以下链接进入到文件的I-90表格在线页面。https://www.uscis.gov/file-online/file-form-i-90-online•如果您提交书面申请,将其发送到:通过普通邮件:USCISATTN: I-901820 Skyharbor, Circle S Floor 1Phoenix, AZ 85034P.O. Box 21262Phoenix, AZ 85036
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