大家好,我现在是绿卡身份,等我入籍后,想申请父母拿绿卡,我父母离异,父亲65岁,一个月在中国退休金三百美金左右,母亲65岁,退休金也差不多,如果他们来美国生活,肯定不够,请教专业人事,他们来美国能申请一些生活和医疗䃼助吗,我在美国无工作,老公在美国有收入,谢谢 By chunqingsunny
基本上,你在申请亲属移民时需要填一份财务担保保证亲属移民后不会造成美国社会负担。 这有点类似你在国内接父母和你同住应该也不会和居住地政府申请生活和医疗补助。 以下是移民局的声明和机器翻译。 当然这并不表示没有任何例外。 声明的精神在于你得先自助。This affidavit is a contract between a sponsor and the U.S. Government. Completing and signing Form I-864 makes you the sponsor. You must show on this affidavit that you have enough income and/or assets to maintain the intending immigrant(s) and the rest of your household at 125 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. By signing Form I-864, you are agreeing to use your resources to support the intending immigrant(s) named in this affidavit, if it becomes necessary. The submission of this affidavit may make the sponsored immigrant ineligible for certain Federal, state, or local meanstested public benefits, because an agency that provides means-tested public benefits will consider your resources and assets as available to the sponsored immigrant when determining his or her eligibility for the program. If the immigrant sponsored in this affidavit does receive one of the designated Federal, state or local means-tested public benefits, the agency providing the benefit may request that you repay the cost of those benefits. That agency can sue you if the cost of the benefits provided is not repaid. Not all benefits are considered as means-tested public benefits. See Form I-864P, Poverty Guidelines, for more information on which benefits are covered by this definition, or the contract in Part 8. Sponsor’s Contract, Statement, Contact Information, Certification, and Signature of Form I-864 for a list of benefits explicitly not considered meanstested public benefits.这宣誓书是赞助者和美国政府之间的合同。填写及签署I-864表格让你的赞助者。你必须表现出对这个证词,你有足够的收入和/或资产,以保持移民意图,(S)和您的家庭在联邦贫困线的125%的休息。通过签署I-864表格,即表示您同意使用你的资源,以支持本宣誓书命名为移民倾向(S),如果有必要。该誓章提交可能使担保移民没有资格获得某些联邦,州或地方meanstested公共利益,因为它提供了一个机构息审查确定何时公共利益,会考虑你的资源和资产作为提供给担保移民,他或她的资格的程序。如果在此宣誓主办的移民确实收到指定的联邦,州或地方的手段测试的公共福利之一,提供利益的机构可能会要求你偿还这些好处的成本。该机构可以告你,如果所提供的福利成本没有偿还。并非所有的利益被视为入息审查的公共利益。见表格I-864P,贫困线,在其上的利益是由这个定义所涵盖的更多信息,或部分合同八,项目的合同,声明,联系信息,认证,并为利益列表I-864表格的签名明确不视为meanstested公共利益。
Thank u very much
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