加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民什么是INA number
请教论坛上的各位朋友。我刚在美国境内递交绿卡申请,现在有个文件要我提供 INA number。请问去哪个部门可以申请这个号?谢谢!
摘自:https://www.uscis.gov/tools/glossary/number"A Number"The alien registration number, which the Department of Homeland Security assigns to each alien. It is an "A" followed by eight numbers. For example: A12 345 678. Some recently-issued A numbers consist of an "A" followed by nine digits. For example: A 200 345 678. 这是不是只有绿卡所有者才有?另外请问i-94上的number是叫INS#吗? 谢谢
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