磨磨蹭蹭好几个月,昨天终于拿到693,一切准备就绪,现在把我的cover letter附上,恳请老师们帮我看看所需材料是否准备完整,有没有什么我漏掉了或者不正确,望指正,很忐忑呀。。。也希望能帮助正在准备材料的朋友,能够参考。非常感谢!USCISAttn: FBAS131 South Dearborn - 3rd FloorChicago, IL 60603-5517February 08, 2018Petitioner (U.S. Citizen):Intending Immigrant (Alien Spouse):Concurrent Filing of I-130 (Petition forAlien Relative), I-485 (Application to Register Permanent Residence or AdjustStatus), I-765 (Application for Employment Authorization), and I-131 (Applicationfor Travel Document)Dear Sir/MadamWe, the petitioner and intending immigrant,hereby list the completed respective forms, payment and supporting documents,per instructions for concurrent filing. Please find enclosed the followingcontents:1. Form G-1145 E-Notification ofapplication/petition acceptance2. Check in the amount of USD$535for form I-1303. Check in the amount of USD$1225 (filing fee and biometric fee) for form I-4854. Form I-130 Petition for AlienRelative1. Form G-1145 E-Notification ofapplication/petition acceptance2. Form I-130 Petition for AlienRelative3. Form I-130A, SupplementalInformation for Spouse Beneficiary4. Two (2) Passport StylePhotographs of the petitioner and two (2) Passport Style Photographs of thebeneficiary5. Copy of petitioner’s U.S. birthcertificate6. Copy of petitioner’s U.Spassport (Biographical page)7. Copy of divorce certificate of petitioner8. Copy of marriage certificate ofpetitioner and beneficiary9. Evidence of bona fide marriagea. Selectivepictures since 2016b. Bankstatement of joint accountc. PG&Ebill under both names of petitioner and beneficiaryd. Vacationpackage including flight and hotel to Hawaiie. Medicalinsurance family plan5. Form I-485 Application forAdjust Status1) Form G-1145 E-Notification ofapplication/petition acceptance2) Two (2) Passport StylePhotographs of Intending Immigrant3) Copy of Intending Immigrant’sBirth Certificate4) Copy of Intending Immigrant’sPassport (Biographical page)5) Copy of Intending Immigrant’sPassport (Visas and stamped passport pages)6) Copy of Electronic Form I-94,including most recent record and travel history7) Copy of divorce certificate of intendingimmigrant’s spouse8) Copy of Marriage Certificate.9) Form I-864, Affidavit ofSupporta. Form I-864, Affidavit ofSupport (Filed by the Petitioner)b. Copies of tax returns of year2014, 2015 and 2016c. Copy of 2016 W2d. Copy of form 1099e. Copy of pay stub December 2016f. Copy of U.S citizen sponsor’sPassport (Biographical page)g. Copy of U.S citizen sponsor’sbirth certificate10)Form I-693, Report of MedicalExamination6. Form I-765 Application forEmployment Authorization1) Form G-1145 E-Notification ofapplication/petition acceptance2) Form I-765 Application forEmployment Authorization3) Copy of applicant’s BirthCertificate4) Copy of applicant’s passport (Biographicalpage)5) Copy of Electronic Form I-946) Two (2) Passport StylePhotographs7. Form I-131 Application forTravel Document1) Form G-1145 E-Notification ofapplication/petition acceptance2) Form I-131 Application forTravel Document3) Copy of applicant’s passport(Biographical page and nonimmigrant visa stamp page)4) Copy of Electronic Form I-945) Two (2) Passport StylePhotographsThank you for your time. Please feel freeto contact us with any questions you may have.Sincerely
提问:i-131和i-765的材料中需要附上结婚证吗?我看instruction里没有。。。 By meow777
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