加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民申请婚姻绿卡要求补担保材料
跟f1学生在美国结婚,因为过去3年报税少,找到co-sponsor而且他的收入应该是够的.提交资料的时候发了副担保的资料和税单而且我还double check了,但没有我自己的i-864只有我过去三年的税单。收到移民局要求在限期内补交I-485 Initial Evidence材料的通知,如下:1. Submit all supporting tax document(w2s, 1099s, Form 2555, and all supporting tax schedules) submitted to the internal revenue service for the most recent tax year. The joint sponsor must submit all the supporting documents for the most recent year.2. Based on the document submitted with Form I-864, Affidavit of Support, for the joint sponsor, the income did not meet 125% of the federal poverty line for the petitioner/sponsor"s household size.Submit evidence of assets that meet the standards listed below or obtain joint sponsor.Assets standards must equal the stated difference between the sponsor"s household income and 125% of the federal poverty line.Assets must equal the difference for applicant"s filing as orphans or a spouse or child of an active duty military memberAssets must equal three times the difference for a spouse or child of a US citizen.Assets must equal five times the difference for all others.3. Form I-864, Affidavit of Support, was submitted; however, it was not from the petitioner/sponsor. Even if a joint sponsor will be used, the petitioner/sponsor must submit Form I-864.-请问一下所有补资料的template都几乎一样的吗?因为co-sponsor过去3年的收入应该是够的。-需要换co-sponsor吗?-如果只把现在co-sponsor的资料和我的资料补过去,会被reject吗?还是如果不够,他只会再要求补?谢!
co-sponosr 是住在一起的。是不是应该选joint-sponsor?
·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层