加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民申请妈妈关于I


妈妈在中国,我现在在帮妈妈提交I-130,遇到几个问题,请各位老师指点:Part 4. Information About Beneficiary这里1. Beneficiary's Physical AddressIf the beneficiary lives outside the United States in a home without a street number or name, leave Item Numbers 11.a. and 11.b. blank. 父母在国内的住址是那种小区,只有A区B区C区D区等小区号以及楼号和单元号,并没有门牌号或者路名字,这种情况11a和11b是不是需要空着不要写?另外因为在国内11d 11e也不用写,只需要写11c以及11f 11g 11h这几个对吗?2. 14这里Daytime Telephone Number (if any)以及15Mobile Telephone Number (if any)是不是填写父母国内的手机号就可以了?需要加86吗?比如电话是13111111111, 这里是不是只要填写13111111111还是 8613111111111?Beneficiary's Marital Information3. 父母离婚的情况下,19-20d这些跟current marriage相关的是不是可以什么都不写还是写比如None或者N/A之类的?Names of Beneficiary's Spouses (if any)Provide information on the beneficiary's current spouse (if currently married) first and then list all the beneficiary's prior spouses (if any).4. 还是父母离婚的情况下,21a-22这里跟Spouse 1相关的,比如对于妈妈的申请,21a-22这里是需要留着空白然后在23a-24 Spouse 2填妈妈之前配偶(爸爸)的信息呢还是直接在21a-22 Spouse 1这里填写爸爸的信息?5. Information About Beneficiary's FamilyProvide information about the beneficiary's spouse and children. 这里的话(25a-36)父母离婚的话,对于妈妈的申请来说,是不是只需要填写我的信息以及妈妈其他子女的信息就可以?不需要填写爸爸的信息?6. Beneficiary's Employment InformationProvide the beneficiary's current employment information (if applicable), even if they are employed outside of the United States. If the beneficiary is currently unemployed, type or print "Unemployed" in Item Number 51.a. 我妈妈退休的话是要写51a这里是写Unemployed还是说Retired?另外剩下的51b到52还需要写之前的雇主信息吗?7. The beneficiary is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status to that of a lawful permanent resident at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office in: 61a 61bThe beneficiary will not apply for adjustment of status in the United States, but he or she will apply for an immigrant visa abroad at the U.S. Embassy or U.S. Consulate in: 62a-62c因为我妈妈在中国,这里应该是只需要填写62a-62c 就写GUANGZHOU GUANGDONG CHINA对吧?8. 自己填写表格的话Part 7和Part 8应该都空着就可以了吧?Part 7. Interpreter's Contact Information, Certification, and Signature Part 8. Contact Information, Declaration, and Signature of the Person Preparing this Petition, if Other Than the Petitioner9. 整个申请过程中,等案件转到中国后,领事馆会把包裹寄到I-130上写的妈妈的地址那里还是会寄到中信银行?非常感谢!


妈妈在中国,我现在在帮妈妈提交I-130,遇到几个问题,请各位老师指点: Part 4. Information About Beneficiary这里 1. Beneficiary's Physical Address If the beneficiary lives outside the United States in a home without a street number or name, leave Item Numbers 11.a. and 11.b. blank.  父母在国内的住址是那种小区,只有A区B区C区D区等小区号以及楼号和单元号,并没有门牌号或者路名字,这种情况11a和11b是不是需要空着不要写?另外因为在国内11d 11e也不用写,只需要写11c以及11f 11g 11h这几个对吗?  2. 14这里Daytime Telephone Number (if any)以及15Mobile Telephone Number (if any) 是不是填写父母国内的手机号就可以了?需要加86吗?比如电话是13111111111, 这里是不是只要填写13111111111还是 8613111111111?  Beneficiary's Marital Information 3. 父母离婚的情况下,19-20d这些跟current marriage相关的是不是可以什么都不写还是写比如None或者N/A之类的?  Names of Beneficiary's Spouses (if any) Provide information on the beneficiary's current spouse (if currently married) first and then list all the beneficiary's prior spouses (if any). 4. 还是父母离婚的情况下,21a-22这里跟Spouse 1相关的,比如对于妈妈的申请,21a-22这里是需要留着空白然后在23a-24 Spouse 2填妈妈之前配偶(爸爸)的信息呢还是直接在21a-22 Spouse 1这里填写爸爸的信息?  5. Information About Beneficiary's Family Provide information about the beneficiary's spouse and children. 这里的话(25a-36)父母离婚的话,对于妈妈的申请来说,是不是只需要填写我的信息以及妈妈其他子女的信息就可以?不需要填写爸爸的信息?  6. Beneficiary's Employment Information Provide the beneficiary's current employment information (if applicable), even if they are employed outside of the United States. If the beneficiary is currently unemployed, type or print "Unemployed" in Item Number 51.a.  我妈妈退休的话是要写51a这里是写Unemployed还是说Retired?另外剩下的51b到52还需要写之前的雇主信息吗?  7. The beneficiary is in the United States and will apply for adjustment of status to that of a lawful permanent resident at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office in: 61a 61b The beneficiary will not apply for adjustment of status in the United States, but he or she will apply for an immigrant visa abroad at the U.S. Embassy or U.S. Consulate in: 62a-62c 因为我妈妈在中国,这里应该是只需要填写62a-62c 就写GUANGZHOU GUANGDONG CHINA对吧?  8. 自己填写表格的话Part 7和Part 8应该都空着就可以了吧? Part 7. Interpreter's Contact Information, Certification, and Signature  Part 8. Contact Information, Declaration, and Signature of the Person Preparing this Petition, if Other Than the Petitioner  9. 整个申请过程中,等案件转到中国后,领事馆会把包裹寄到I-130上写的妈妈的地址那里还是会寄到中信银行?  非常感谢! By notbigfun

 1. 如实填写填写就好了。诸如:什么小区几栋几单元几楼几号。 2. 86 中国手机号 3. 如实填写。 4. 填写好了,说明已经离婚。 5. 是的。 6. 如实填写退休。 7. 填写在广州面签。 8. 空着。 9. 等I-130批准以后,批准书会转到NVC。NVC会有电子邮件与你联系。然后按他们的要求一步一步地走就好了。

感谢Lucy!1. 比如小区几栋几单元几楼几号这个在I-130表格那里填写的时候空间不够的话需要在最后面Part 9. Additional Information里面写吗?6. 写RETIRED的话,剩下的51b到52那些地址和工作开始日期还需要写之前的雇主信息吗?


你好,我也是在帮妈妈申请,有一些问题想请教大家:1. 请问妈妈已经离婚两次,现在也是离婚的状态,我填I-130的时候需要提交两次的离婚证吗?之后广州面谈的时候会用到吗?2. 因为爸妈之前的离婚证丢了,后来的离婚证是补办的,填爸妈离婚的日期是应该填之前的还是后来补发的?(爸爸申请美国公民时用的是老的离婚证)3. 妈妈是单位改制以后把户口放到了省人才市场, 所以退休也是从省人才市场退的,之前申请B1来看我的时候提交过退休证,那现在的工作状态应该填Unemployed or retired, 工作单位可以就填省人才市场吗?多谢!

所有信息真实一致。如果有冲突,也需要你自己权衡。1. 都需要。2. 应该与你老爸的一致。3. 感觉填写原单位好一些。

请问I-130哪里有说明要离婚证?因为我只看到帮目母亲申请需要出生公证这一项。 离婚证是中文也会需要带翻译的公证吗?

  ·生活百科 出口有限按需
·生活百科 PV系统运行正确?



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