加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民美国私立高中面签常见问题及VO关心的内容(签证


现在留学趋势越来越低龄化,从之前出国基本上都是读研,到现在到美国读本科占大多数,再到现在高中生留学美国。那么,高中生在美国签证面签问答中,应该怎样准备呢?以下是广州签证官和一位高中留学生的对话,大家可以看看:问题一:学习计划/归国计划问:Iverson:Hello. I am going to study 11 Grade at American high school. How can I tell you my future plan, I should tell you my study plan at high school or my study plan at university or my future plan(my future job plan)? Since I will apply for American university in 1 year, should I tell you which major I am interested in now? Since I am only going to study high school now, I think it’s too difficult and too far for me to tell my future job plan and how my study at America will help me find a good job. How can I prove my future plan? I mean which thing I should prepare for.答:Visa Officer Arturo Hines:You should focus on first things first. Your immediate goal is to study high school in the US, so you should prepare for this. You should think about why you want to finish high school in the US and how it will help you. Then you can think about future plans for college and a career. If you worry about everything all at once, it will probably be overwhelming and you won't do so well at the visa interview. You can show that you've thought about your future plans, but we don't expect you to know what the rest of your life will be like when you are in grade 11. 签证官说了一句非常有意思的话:You should focus on first things first. We don't expect you to know what the rest of your life will be like when you are in grade 11. 签证官并不指望一个学生在读高中的时候就清楚知道他的未来是怎样的,要进什么大学,要去什么公司,甚至要挣多少钱要买几套房子,签证面谈着力于当前,读高中的计划是最实际的。问题二:相貌着装问:Iverson:Is the appearance very important? If I am ugly, will it influence me get the visa?答:Visa Officer Arturo Hines:About your appearance; we do not discriminate or favor anyone based on their appearance.很多签证学生都会问到应该穿什么样的衣服签证,其实只要符合你身份的服装都可以。比如你是高中生,就不应该穿着超短裙,染着红头发等去签证。虽然对长相不要求,但符合身份的着装还是能给签证官留下好印象。问题三:语言表达问:Iverson: If in the meeting day, I feel very nervous so that I can’t speak very fluent English .Will it influence me get the visa. Thank you very much.答:Visa Officer Arturo Hines:Try and do your best when speaking English, We realize people get nervous, but we want to hear what you have to say and evaluate it fairly. Good luck! 高中生的英语水平普遍比本科生差,心态也会比较紧张。但签证官也是非常理解这种情况,毕竟一个高中生不容易熟练掌握英语。只要学生尽量用英语交流,表现出是一个合格的高中生,签证官是不会就英语方面的问题为难学生的。来源网络

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·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题



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