加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民入境日期&签发日期&I797日期
签证类型 Q1(文化交流)项目要求达到日期:2012-3-6 (奥兰多)签证的签发日期为2012年1月27日然后I797上有一栏approval notice 写着 Valid from 03/04/2012 to 04/02/2013请问我最早几号能入境呢? 美国时间 03月04吗?03月01可以吗?我是否可以提早到旧金山旅行4天左右,然后再飞奥兰多呢?美国海关会允许入境吗?要是被拒绝,是直接被遣回国,还是在机场等候?(请耐心解答,关键是3月1日是否可以入境,不行的话可以3月4号吗?)
When the employer or the organization applied for the Q-1 for you inside the USA, and after the case got approval, you got the Q-1 "Status", the status is usually valid for 1 year. Then, you should get Q-1 "Visa" in China. After you get Q-1 visa, you could enter the USA as soon as you can and you also could go to the other city--no problem. When you enter the USA, the US CIS Officer will give you a white card called I-94 Record Card which will show the valid period you could stay in the USA
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