加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民美国资深律师李翀鸣│关于美国婚姻绿卡面谈常
婚姻绿卡面谈的主要目的是为了防止婚姻欺诈,确定婚姻关系的真实性。因此,移民官的第一任务是“打假”,所以职业习惯使得他们几乎会假设所有与美国公民丶绿卡结婚的婚姻都是为了获得美国身份。因而,移民官的面谈问题均围绕着,“辨别婚姻真假”这一主题进行。 通常,会先询问一些基本信息,进行火力试探,看看两人是否合拍,比如“双方怎么认识的?在哪里认识的?一起去过哪些地方?双方之间为什么决定结婚?” 等。 如果移民官对面试对象产生了更多怀疑,比方说感觉两人的互动很生硬或者气场不对,那么问题则会更深入,更细致。其中境外申请移民签证但还没有同居的,会问另一方的收入,财务情况,职业生涯,此前的婚姻史,性生活频率等。 而婚内同居过的,则会问,“在家谁收拾衣服?窗帘的颜色?哪一天收垃圾?”“信箱在哪里”这类非常细节,但有绝对正确答案的问题。 目前,随着移民政策的收紧,绿卡面谈日趋严苛。以下附面谈提问样本,供大家在面谈前参考准备。此外,为避免面试时过于紧张,在面试前可与律师进行面谈模拟,以便分析出可能存在的遗漏点,自如应对。 面谈百问样本 基础类 1. How did you two meet each other? 你们是如何认识的? 2. Where did you meet?你们在哪里相遇? 3. When did your relationship turn romantic?什么时候确定恋爱关系? 4. Where did you go for dates?你们约会都去哪里? 5. How long was it before you decided to get married?多长时间后你们决定结婚? 6. Who proposed the marriage?你们是谁求的婚? 7. Who bought the wedding ring and where and how much does it cost? 谁买的结婚戒指?在哪里买的,花了多少钱? 8. Did your parents approve of the match? Why or why not?你们双方父母同意你们的结合吗?为什么? 9. Have your meet your in-laws? 你见过对方的家庭成员吗? 10. How often do you see each other’s parents?你们和双方父母多久见一次面? 11. When was the last time you saw them? Where? On what occasion?最后一次见他们是什么时候?在哪里?什么样的场合,婚礼,节日? 12. On important holidays, do you buy individual gifts for your parents-in-law? Do they buy individual gifts for you? 重大节日里,你们买礼物给对方的父母吗?他们买礼物给你们吗? 13. How do each of you get along with your parents-in-law? 你们和对方父母相处得怎样? 14. Which other members of your spouse’s family do you see frequently? When was the last time you saw them? What did you do together?你还经常见你配偶家中的哪一位成员?你最后一次见他们是什么时候?你们一起做了什么? 15. Where did you marry? 你们在哪里结婚的? 16. How many people attended your wedding?多少人参加你们的婚礼? 17. Did each of your parents attend?你们双方父母都参加了吗? 18. Who were the bridesmaids/groomsmen?伴娘和伴郎都是谁? 19. Was there music or other entertainment? 婚礼演奏了什么音乐?有什么娱乐活动? 20. What kind of cake (or other food) did you serve?吃的什么蛋糕(或什么风格的喜酒)? 21. What time did you and the bride/groom leave the reception?你和你的新娘/新郎什么时间离开宴会的? 22. How late did the guests stay?客人们一直呆到什么时候? 23. Did the bride change clothes for the reception?接待客人的时候新娘换衣服了吗? 24. Did you serve liquor? What kind?你们提供饮料了吗?是什么? 25. Did anyone get drunk or otherwise embarrass themselves at the reception? Who? Describe.有人喝醉了吗?在婚宴上出丑吗?是谁?请描述。 26. Did you go on a honeymoon? When did you leave? How did you get there? What airlines?你们度蜜月了吗?什么时候去的?怎么去的?搭乘哪个航空公司? 27. Did you go to any theme park together after the marriage? 你们结婚以后有没有一起去过主题公园? 28. After your marriage did you travel outside the State of California? 你们结婚以后到州外旅行过吗? 29. Where do you work? 你在哪里工作? 30. Does your wife or husband work? 你的太太或者先生也工作吗? 31. What time does the working spouse arrive home?有工作的配偶什么时间回家? 32. What is your husband or wife’s cell phone number? 你先生或者太太的手机号码是多少? 33. Did your husband or wife attend college? 你的先生或者太太上过大学吗? 34. What’s your current address? 你现在的住址是什么? 35. How long have you been living in this address? 你在这个住址住了多长时间? 36. Do you rent or own? 你是租的房子还是自己买的房子? 37. When did he/she move in to this current address?他/她是什么时候搬进这个住址的? 38. Who do you live in this address currently? 现在你在这个住址与谁一起居住? 39. Where does your husband or wife live before the marriage? 结婚前你的太太或者先生住在哪里? 40. Who cleans the house?谁打扫房间? 41. Do you have a joint bank account? Which Bank?你们有联合账户吗?哪家银行? 42. Who takes care of paying the bills?谁付帐? 43. Do you have any plan to have a child? 们有没有生孩子的计划? 44. Who picks up the children at school?谁接孩子放学? 45. Who packs lunches for the kids?谁为孩子准备午饭? 46. What are their favorite toys/activities?他们最喜欢的玩具/游戏是什么? 47. What are their least favorite foods?他们最不喜欢的食物是什么? 48. Which children (if any) still use a car seat?哪个孩子还在使用幼儿专用汽车椅? 生活细节类 49. Who gets up first? At what time?谁先第一个起床?什么时间? 50. How many alarm clocks do you set in the morning?你们早晨设几个闹钟? 51. Who makes breakfast?谁做早饭? 52. What do each of you eat for breakfast?你们早饭分别吃什么? 53. Does your spouse drink coffee in the morning?你的配偶早晨喝咖啡吗? 54. What day is your garbage picked up?哪一天倒垃圾? 55. Do you have a cat, dog, or other pet? Who feeds it? Who walks/cleans up after it? 你们有狗丶猫或其他宠物吗?谁喂它?谁遛它或者清理宠物粪便? 56. Do you and/or your spouse attend regular religious events? Where?你或者你的配偶定期参加宗教活动吗?去哪里? 57. How many times a week on average do you eat out?你们平均一个星期出去吃几次? 58. What is your favorite restaurant for special occasions? For weekly outings? 特别场合下你最喜欢的饭馆是什么?一般周末呢? 59. Who does most of the cooking? Who does the grocery shopping? Where?谁做饭最多?谁买菜?去哪里? 60. Is there a particular food that you eat every week?你们有每个星期都要吃的特别食物吗? 61. What is your spouse’s favorite/least favorite food?你配偶最喜欢和不喜欢的食物是什么? 62. What color are the kitchen curtains? 厨房窗帘的颜色什么? 63. Do you have a barbecue grill? Do you use it? 你们有烤肉架吗?你用它吗? 64. How many televisions are in the house? In which rooms? Do you watch shows together, or separately? Name one show that you always watch together. 你们家里有几台电视?在哪个房间?你们是一起看节目还是分开看?请说出一个你们一起看的节目名称。 65. Does your spouse listen to the radio? What station? 你配偶听收音机吗?哪个台? 66. How many cars do you have?你们有几辆车? 67. Do you have a garage? Who parks in it?你们有车库吗?谁在里面停车? 68. What size is your bed?你们的床是什么尺寸的? 69. Do you have a regular mattress, futon, or waterbed? 你们的床垫是弹簧的丶海棉的还是水床的? 70. How many windows are there in your bedroom? Is there a ceiling fan in your living room?你们卧室有几个窗户?你的客厅里有吊扇吗? 71. Where is the toilet tissue located in your master bathroom? 你主卧卫生间的厕纸是放在哪里的,是左边还是右边? 72. Is there a shower in your master bathroom? 你主卧卫生间里有淋浴间吗? 73. Is there a sliding door in your master bathroom? 你主卧室套间到洗手间有没有拉门? 74. What color are your spouse’s pajamas?你配偶的睡衣是什么颜色? 75. Who sleeps on each side of the bed?你们分别睡在床的哪边? 76. What form of contraception (birth control) do you use?你们使用什么避孕方法? 77. When was your wife’s last menstrual period? 你妻子上一次例假是在什么时候? 78. Where do you keep your toothbrush? What kind of toothpaste, soap, and shampoo does each of you use? 你们把牙刷放在哪里?你们俩用什么牌子的牙膏丶香皂和洗发水? 79. Do either of you read or watch television before going to bed? Do you have lamps next to your bed? 你们两人睡觉前读书和看电视吗?你们有床头灯吗? 80. Did you have any major arguments after the marriage with your spouse? What is the reason for your argument if you had one? 结婚以后,你和你的太太或先生有过什么剧烈的争吵吗?你们争吵的主要原因是什么? 81. Have you ever had an argument that results in one of you sleeping in another room? Who and which room?你们曾经吵架结果导致其中一人睡到另外一间房吗?是谁?哪间房? 82. Do you live in a home or apartment? Who pays the mortgage or rent? How much is it?你住独立房屋还是公寓?谁来支付贷款或者租金?多少钱? 83. Is there a carpet in your front hallway? What color?门前走廊有地毯吗?什么颜色? 84. Is your sofa a regular one or does it have a pull-out bed? Have you ever had houseguests sleep there?你们的沙发是普通的还是可以拉出来当床用?你们曾有客人睡在那里吗? 85. What type of curtains or window coverings are in your bedroom? What color? 你的睡房是什么规格的窗帘或遮阳板?什么颜色? 86. How many sinks, toilets, and showers are there in your house or apartment in total?你们的房子或者公寓有几个洗手池丶盥洗台和淋浴头? 87. Do you leave any lights on when you go to sleep at night?你们夜晚睡觉会开着灯吗? 88. When is your spouse’s birthday?你配偶的生日是哪一天? 89. What did you do for your spouse’s last birthday?你配偶的上个生日你做了什么? 90. Did you buy any gift for your husband or wife lately? 你最近给你的太太或者先生买礼物了吗? 91. What did you do last Valentine’s Day? Did you buy any gift for your husband or wife? 上一次情人节你们都干什么了?你给你的丈夫或者太太买礼物了吗? 92. How did you celebrate your most recent wedding anniversary?你们怎样庆祝你们最近的结婚周年? 93. What’s the most important holiday of the year in your household? Where do you typically celebrate it?你们家中一年最重要的节日是什么?你们到哪里庆祝? 94. Have you and your spouse gone to see a movie or other form of entertainment lately? When, and what did you see?你和你的配偶最近有一起看电影或是表演吗?什么时间,看了什么? 95. What did the two of you do last New Year’s Eve? Fourth of July?去年新年夜你们做了什么?国庆节呢? 96. What did you do on the past Saturday? 上个星期六你们做什么了? 97. Who drove here today? 今天是谁开车过来的? 98. Do you or your spouse own any firearm? 你或者你的配偶拥有枪支吗? 99. Do you know if there are any tattoos or scars on the body of your spouse? 你知道你的配偶身上是否有纹身或者疤痕? 100. What time did your wife or husband go to sleep last night? 昨晚你的妻子或丈夫是什么时候睡的? 》》》更多问题咨询,请联系 ↘QQ号 746544758 ↘微信 asklawyer-USA ↘电话 949-878-0645 ↘邮箱 [email protected]
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