加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民移民局计划调整申请费
(梁勇律师事务所,lianglaw.com专稿) 移民局大约每二年会调整移民申请费,大多数的时间调涨的多,降价的情况少。算算时间距离2007年8月1日的大调涨已经过了快3年的时间,也差不多该有变动。移民局预计在明天的联邦公报上公布新的移民申请费,调整不大,有涨有跌。以下是预计调整的新费率 目前费率 保留现行入籍费率 不保留现行入籍费率I-90 Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card $290 $365 $360I-102 Application for Replacement/Initial Nonimmigrant Arrival-Departure Document $320 $330 $320I-129 Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker $320 $325 $320I-129F Petition for Alien Fiancé(e) $455 $340 $330I-130 Petition for Alien Relative $355 $420 $410I-131 Application for Travel Document $305 $360 $350I-140 Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker $475 $580 $565I-290B Notice of Appeal or Motion $585 $630 $630I-360 Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant $375 $405 $405I-485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status $930 $985 $960I-526 Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur $1,435 $1,500 $1,460I-539 Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status $300 $290 $280I-600/600A, I-800/800A Orphan Petitions $670 $720 $720I-687 Application for Status as a Temporary Resident $710 $1,130 $1,100I-690 Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility $185 $200 $200I-694 Notice of Appeal of Decision $545 $755 $735I-698 Application to Adjust Status From Temporary to Permanent Resident $1,370 $1,020 $995I-751 Petition to Remove the Conditions of Residence $465 $505 $490I-765 Application for Employment Authorization $340 $380 $375I-817 Application for Family Unity Benefits $440 $435 $425I-824 Application for Action on an Approved Application or Petition $340 $405 $395I-829 Petition by Entrepreneur to Remove Conditions $2,850 $3,750 $3,655Civil Surgeon Designation Registration $0 $615 $600I-924 Application for Regional Center under the Immigrant Investor Pilot Program $0 $6,230 $6,070N-300 Application to File Declaration of Intention $235 $250 $250N-336 Request for Hearing on a Decision in Naturalization Proceedings $605 $650 $650N-400 Application for Naturalization $595 $595 $655N-470 Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes $305 $330 $330N-565 Application for Replacement Naturalization/Citizenship Document $380 $345 $335N-600/N-600K Applications for Certificate of Citizenship $460 $600 $585Waiver Forms (I-191, I-192, I-193, I-212, I-601, I-612) $545 $585 $585Immigrant Visas $0 $165 $160Biometric Services $80 $85 $85我们会随时更新移民局有关申请费调整新闻,最新新闻可在本网 www.lianglaw.com 查询Federal Registration 原件 USCIS Proposed Fee Adjustment Rule美国移民局上诉办公室AAO 最新审理时间as of 05/01/2010 (6/8/2010)职业移民I-485 待审理案件统计分析(May 27, 2010) ( PDF)(6/5/2010)PERM批准-台湾出生MIS 硕士10个月取得绿卡(6/3/2010)FY-2011 Cap H1B 名额使用情况as of 5/28/10 (6/2/2010)移民局更新工卡(EAD) 设计(5/26/2010 )PERM 批准前进到2010年1月份送件 (5/21/2010)更多新闻...........www.lianglaw.com 本所其他成功批准案例..www.lianglaw.com本所提供各类移民及非移民申请免费评估:谘询电话: (626)288-7900 美国境内免费电话: 1-866-661-7705梁勇律师事务所 Law Offices of Jonathan Liang9300 Flair Dr., Suite 105, El Monte, CA 91731美国境内免费电话: 1-866-661-7705Tel: (626)288-7900,http://www.lianglaw.comemail: [email protected]
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