2014第三届中国(重庆)海外置业投资移民展览会The 3rd China (Chongqing) Overseas Property Investment and Immigration Exhibition in 20142014年9月12日- 14日 ·重庆国际会议展览中心September 12-14, 2014· CQ International Convention & Exhibition Center邀 请 函Invitation
主办单位Organized by:重庆搜房网 中外投资网 海外搜房网 重庆新浪乐居重庆建宇展览有限公司承办单位Undertaken by:重庆建宇展览有限公司媒体支持Media Support:《中华商报》《国际地产》《环球地标》《居外》《环球时报》《全球房产资讯网》《沃传媒》《环球之家》《新浪乐居》《优房网》《重庆日报》澳洲房产网 龙腾海外房产网 重庆交通广播 上届回顾Review重庆海外置业投资丶移民展,每年2届,在重庆国际会议展览中心举办,大会吸引了来自全球:法国丶澳大利亚丶西班牙丶美国丶加拿大丶英国丶德国丶新加坡丶新西兰丶韩国丶葡萄牙丶塞浦路斯等国家和地区的100多家海外置业及移民机构参展,集中展示高品质地产项目和服务。 重庆海外置业投资移民展,展会为期3天,展出面积达5000平方米,统计显示到场专业观众为23689人,国外参观商1052人,共签有200多份意向订单,达到6000多万的交易额,展会现场超8成参展商表示满意。受到政府部门和各相关行业的一致好评,是被广大参展商丶采购商所高度认可的国际行业盛会。目前已成为中国西部地区规模最大和行业认知度最高的国际交易平台,是西部展出规模最大,专业观众最多,最具影响力的展会,是广大中外厂商的首选参展展会。The Chongqing Overseas Property investment and Immigration Exhibition was successfully held twice a year at the CQ International Convention & Exhibition Center. It attracted over 100 overseas property and immigration agencies from many countries and regions including France, Australia, Spain, America, Canada, Britain, Germany, Singapore, New Zealand, South Korea, Portugal and Cyprus. At the exhibition, high-quality property projects and services were exhibited.The Overseas Property Exhibition lasted for 3 days with an exhibition area of up to 5 000 m2. According to statistics, the Exhibition had 23 689 professional visitors and 1 052 foreign exhibitors; altogether about 200 orders of intention were signed; the transaction amounts reached up to CNY 60 million. Eighty percent of the exhibitors were satisfied with the Exhibition, which was also highly praised by relevant government departments and businesses. It was considered as a highly recognized international industry event by most exhibitors and purchasers. Currently, the Chongqing Overseas Property Exhibition is the largest and the most highly recognized international transaction platform in Western China and the largest exhibition in the Western Region, with the most visitors, the greatest influence and a preferential exhibition of Chinese and foreign manufacturers.大会背景Background重庆,中华人民共和国直辖市,国家中心城市,长江上游地区经济中心和金融中心及航运丶政治丶文化丶教育丶科技中心,全国综合交通枢纽,内陆出口商品加工基地和扩大对外开放先行区,国家重要的现代制造业基地丶高新技术产业基地,长江上游科研成果产业化基地丶生态文明示范区,中西部地区发展循环经济示范区,中国政府实行西部大开发的开发地区及国家统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区,国家历史文化名城和国际大都市。据统计,重庆千万富豪数已达到12500人,亿万富豪800人,预计海外置业投资者不低于20万人,重庆海外置业投资需求空间非常大。Chongqing is a municipality directly under the control of the Central Government of the People’s Republic of China; it is a national central city, the economic and financial center, as well as a shipping, political, cultural, educational, scientific and technological center at the upstream area of the Yangtze River; it is a national comprehensive transportation hub, an inland export commodity processing base and a pilot area for expansion of opening up; it is also a national key modern manufacturing base, a hi-tech industrial base, a base for industrialization of scientific research achievements upstream the Yangtze River, a biological civilization model area and a demonstrative area for circular economic development in the middle and western part of China. Besides, Chongqing is also included in China Western Development, and is an experimental area for national urban-rural comprehensive reform. Meanwhile, Chongqing is still a national historically and culturally renowned city and an international metropolis. According to statistics, the population of millionaires has reached 12 500 and that of billionaires reached 800. It is estimated that the population of overseas property investors is no less than 200 000. Hence there is a great demand for investment in overseas properties in Chongqing.展会亮点Exhibition Highlights:热捧: 海外置业大势兴起,华人热衷海外房产Been touted:Overseas real estate trend rising, Chinese crazy for oversea property.财富: 重庆千万富豪12500人,亿万富豪800人Wealth:12,500 millionaires and 800 billionaires in Chongqing.唯一: 重庆海外置业投资移民第一展,独一无二的海外地产销售平台Uniqueness:The first Overseas Property & Investment Immigration Exhibition in Chongqing, unparalleled sales platform for oversea real estate.品质: 全球海外豪宅同台亮相,彰显至尊品味Quality:Global oversea mansion show together, reveal the ultimate taste.精准: 面向置业丶投资丶移民丶留学丶海外旅游等高端人士联谊推广Precision:Advertising to high-end personage of real estate/investment/immigration/study abroad/oversea tourism.联袂: 商会丶协会等20多家机构联袂推广,共同邀请参观嘉宾Co-marketing:More than 20 institutions of chambers and associations joint to promote and invite visitors.传播: 逾100家媒体整合推广,报刊杂志全程追踪丶电视台现场采访直播Spread:More than 100 medias intergrating promoting; Newspapers and magazine whole course tracking; TV station live interview on live.推广: 建宇展览团队丰富的专业观众数据库及展会推广经验Promotion:jianyu expo group ‘s rich database of professional audience and exhibition promotion experience.发展: 全场演绎奢华品牌,展示富丽生活,一站式采购咨询服务配套Development:Full interpretation of luxury brands.; Showing the rich live; One-stop procurement advisory services.展会日程安排Schedule1. 报到布展:2014年9月11日(8:30—17:00) 2. 展示时间:2014年9月12日- 14日 (9:00—16:30)3. 闭幕撤展:2014年9月14日 (下午15:00)1. Registration move-in: September 11, 2014 (8:30 - 17:00)2. Exhibition duration: September 12-14, 2014 (9:00 - 16:30)3. Closing ceremony and booth withdrawal: September 14, 2014 (15:00)参展内容Descriptionl 海外房地产开发商Overseas Real Estate Developers;l 海外留学和培训机构Overseas education and training institutions;l 移民服务机构Immigration Servicer;l 银行和金融机构Banking and Financial Institutions;l 律师事务所law firm;l 国际投资咨询机构International investment consultancy;l 农场和酒庄投资 Farm and chateau investmentl 中介代理丶媒体丶室内设计与装潢Metamediary/ Media/Interior Design and decorate展位费用 Booth Costs展位类型Booth Type 展位规格Booth Size 国内展区Domestic Section标准展位Standard booth (3×3)9m2 RMB 18000元/展位光地/展期Land/duration 光地Land RMB 1800元/㎡※注:光地展位:无任何配置,参展商需自行设计搭建展位,费用自理。※注:标准展位:三面围板(2.5m高)丶地毯丶楣板丶射灯二支丶洽谈桌一张丶椅子二把丶洽谈圆桌1个,4把椅子丶展位布置丶展位喷绘画面丶纸篓1个丶220V插座一个。※Note: For land, no facilities will be supplied, and relevant exhibitors shall design and set up a booth by themselves at their own costs. ※ Note: For a standard booth: three surrounding plates(2.5m high), carpet, fascia board, two spotlights, one negotiation table, two chairs, one round negotiation table, four chairs, booth layout, booth painting, one waste paper basket, one 220V socket. 活动及论坛Activities and Forum◆ 海外投资移民论坛:每场10000元RMB/一小时,主办单位提供场地丶灯具丶座椅丶开水等用具,并协助主讲单位组织听众。Overseas investment and immigration forum: CNY 10 000/hour; the organizers will provide the site, lamps, chairs and boiled water etc., and assist the lecturer in organizing audience.◆ 征求冠名赞助单位:组委会将提供全程营销服务,有意向的企业可向组委会索取相关资料。1丶总冠名:RMB58万(限1家) 2丶黄金赞助:RMB38万(同一产品领域限1家)3丶特邀赞助:RMB28万(限3家) Title sponsor: For the title sponsor, the organization committee will provide throughout marketing services; any company with the intention to be the title sponsor can obtain relevant materials from the organization committee.1. General title sponsor: CNY 580 000 (one only) 2. Gold sponsor: CNY 380 000 (one for a product field)3. Specially invited sponsors: CNY 280 000 (three) 会刊宣传Proceedings Publicity封面:12000元/版 Cover: CNY12 000/page封底:9000元/版 Backcover:CNY9 000/page黑白内页:3000元/版 Black and white inside page: CNY 3000/page封二丶三:6000元/版 Inside front cover: CNY 6 000/page扉页:8000元/版 Title page: CNY 8 000/page普通彩页:4500元/版 Regular color page: CNY 4500/page门票广告:5000元/10000张 Ticket ad.: CNY 5000/10000 pcs 彩虹门:5000元/座 Rainbow door: CNY 5000/each充气柱:3500元/座 Inflatable column: CNY 3500/each塑料袋:5000元/1000个 Plastic bags: CNY 5000/1000 pcs代表证:10000元/10000个 Card: CNY 10000/10000 cards彩旗广告:25000元/100个 Color flag ad.: CNY 25000/100 flags展馆序厅悬挂喷绘:600元/㎡ Hang painting in the lobby of the exhibition hall: CNY 600/m2喷绘/桁架广告:600元/㎡ Painting/truss ad.: CNY 600/m2条 幅:3500元/个 Banner: CNY 2 500/each专业观众Special Visitorsu 已经移民丶正在移民丶准备移民子女丶已经出国留学的人士;u 海外置业投资商丶分销商丶代理商,投资移民丶留学咨询中介服务机构;u 高端会所丶俱乐部组织丶高端物业丶豪华别墅业主 丶豪华车车主;u 各级政要丶部门领导丶各大商会丶各大企业集团丶私企法人;u 企业高管丶海归人士丶在渝外籍高管;u 金融系统VIP高净值人士(银行丶证劵丶保险丶基金);u People who have emigrated, are undergoing emigrating formalities, preparing to send their children overseas or have been in the course of overseas study;u Overseas property investors, distributors, agents, institutions providing intermediary consulting services relating to investment, migration and overseas study;u High-end clubs, club organizations, high-end properties, luxury villa owners, luxury car owners;u Key political figures, departmental leaders, legal representatives of commerce chambers, enterprise groups and private enterprises;u Senior management of enterprises, overseas returnees and foreign senior officers in Chongqing;u VIP high net worth individuals of financial systems (banks, securities, insurance and funds).参展程序Exhibition Procedures1) 参展单位请详细填写《参展申请表》,并加盖公章后传真或交寄至大会组委会。报名后3天内将参展费用一次性汇入大会组委会指定帐号,从而确定展位,否则所定展位不予保留。Exhibitors shall complete the Application Form in detail with their official seals stamped before faxing or mailing it Form to the organizing committee, and remit relevant exhibition fee to the bank account designated by the organizing committee within 3 days after the registration for reservation of the booths; or otherwise no booth will be reserved.。2)展览会展品运输及报关丶签证丶参展代表住宿丶主要活动丶物品租赁等各项服务事宜,详见《参展指南》,在展览会开幕前一个月传真或邮寄。Please refer to Exhibition Guidance for all service matters including exhibits' transportation and customs declaration, visa, exhibitors' accommodation and main activities, equipment rental, special decoration, utilities of water and power at the booth. Exhibition Guidance shall be faxed or mailed one month before the opening ceremony of the Exhibition.联系方式Contact the organizing committee at第三届中国(重庆)海外置业投资移民展组委会地 址:重庆市南岸区南坪西路3号商业大楼29-4室 邮编:400060电 话:86-23-86376000/86376228 传 真:86-23-86376218 联系人:刘 成 13668017732 QQ 1840810291 E-mail:[email protected] Address: Room 29-4, the Commercial Building, 3 Nanping West Road, Nan’an District, Chongqing, Postcode:400060Tel.: 86-23-86376000 86376228 Fax: 86-23-86376218Contact: liu cheng 13668017732 QQ1840810291 E-mail:[email protected]
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