加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民投资移民zui新zui安全的实体项目


美国工厂到家项目投资移民的要求和流程一。投资移民的优势(两种投资移民的区别)二。 投资移民的时间三。 投资移民的流程四。 投资移民的金额一。 投资移民的优势1. 相比其它发达国家和地区,美国投资移民的价格还是最低的。(加拿大要求投资额不少于160万加元,澳大利亚投资额不少于500万澳元,英国不少于500万英镑,香港不少于1000万港币)2. 目前美国还在执行1990年制定的投资移民法规,在美国投资移民的金额是100万美金。(新的投资移民已经通过国会两院的全部程序,2016年9月1日开始调高致120万美金,和很多复杂的附加条件)在经济不发达地区投资额可调降为50万美金,前提是该地区连续3年的失业率比美国全国的平均失业率高出至少100%。投资移民可以办理全家人口包括未满21周岁的孩子。3. 传统投资移民(100万美金)和 所谓预批的投资移民(50万美金,现在炒得最凶的那种)之间在法律上的区别是。100万美金的传统投资移民必须在美金境内连续3-5年解决10名美国合法的美国居民就业。而50万美金的不需要。但是,截至到今天,投资50万的移民们几乎没有投资人成功的拿回他们的50万投资额,最早的案例可以查到的是2006年就已经批准的移民案。相反的是已经有无数的案例和在法庭积压的有关50万美金投资移民的官司。其中比较有代表性的是--拉斯维加斯和西雅图的几个投资项目已经宣布破产了。也就是说投资者们不仅血本无归了,他们的投资案也将以失败结束。4. 投资移民的朋友们最关心的其实只有以下两条:其一,移民案件在规定的时间内成功。其二,资金安全返还。二。 投资移民的时间传统投资移民在法理上是名额最多的,占投资移民每年10000名额的40%。也就是说:传统投资移民的批准是最快的。不过,目前由于前十年的投资移民案件猛增,导致目前时间上的人为滞后。整体案件从申请之日起到拿到正式绿卡,现在的时间为4年半到5年。其中,拿到美国合法居留,合法以移民身份出入境现在大约需要1年半到2年时间。三。 投资移民的流程1. 确立投资方式和金额2. 资金汇入(切记,不能随意汇入)3. 成立公司或公司增资形式 (约1个月)4. 提出投资移民申请(移民表格 I-526)5. I-526 核准 (约11个月)6. A。广州美国领事馆面谈(投资移民签证)(约6-8个月) B。美国境内面谈 (约2-4个月)7. I-829 申请 (正式绿卡) (约6-11个月)8. 获准正式绿卡*. 整个绿卡程序约4年至4年半完成,投资的资金5年到期后返还。在获得临时绿卡的4年另9个月后可以开始申请美国公民。四。 传统投资移民的金额为100万美金。美国工厂到家的介绍: 美国工厂到家 Factory 2 Family 是有美国瑞利克斯集团精心打造的一款崭新的商业零售连锁模式。位于大洛杉矶地区,最繁华的商业地区。交通便捷,商业潜力巨大。项目总营业面积约近20000平方尺,是坐落在由一个商场群组环绕着的零售走廊中。是洛杉矶地区屈指可数的几个的购物休闲场所之一,周边除有大型的购物中心外,还有著名的 TAGET,Costco, Pier1Import, Walmart, BestBuy, Homedepo,Rose, Anna’s Linds, Tools US, 99cent, Petco, 等等在美国家喻户晓的品牌商店,有着浓厚的国际商业气氛。我们的优势一。 改变普通流通渠道,减少中间商的环节,以工厂的价格直接销售给消费者。这种模式在美国是最新的经营概念,以往都是进口商销售给分销商,分销商再把货物销售给零售商。其中每个环节都有大约80%-100%的加价。(咧如;一个喝水的杯子,工厂的价格是0.70美金,卖给分销商的价格是0.88美金,分销商卖给零售商的价格一般在1.60美金以上,而零售商卖个客人最基本的价格也不可能低于2.99美金。) 而我们实际出售的同类产品的价格可以直接控制在 1.75美金以内。二。 网络销售也就是现在时髦的电商。我们有自己的团队建立网络销售的平台,直接从工厂的价格发货给消费者。从而实现价格的竞争优势。三。 批发--我们的零售店就是我们最好的展示厅,我们产品的多样化,导致了没有如何一个进出口公司能与我们相比。因为一般的进出口公司都是建立在一个或者两个系列的产品上。我们只要邀请美国的其它零售商来参观我们的“展厅”。就会接到批发的订单。四。 我们在美国有备仓的服务,这对国内的工厂有超强的吸引力。目前,国内的电商在美国遇到的最大的瓶颈就是产品从国内销到美国需要的运费和时间成本太贵。所以,中国的网商们在美国的网站是都有超高的点击率,但只有极少的成交率。因为客人看到产品的价格极好,在网上想订货时发现产品要从境外运来,马上打消了购买的念头。我们现在可以为中国的厂家建立在美国的仓储和运输服务。从而减少了客人的疑虑以提高中国网商在美国的竞争力。我们的基础 美国瑞利克斯集团本身就是跨国的协作企业,有德国瑞利克斯公司提供在德国生产的产品美国独家代理经销权。也有中国瑞利克斯公司22年的经营经验和近几百家合作多年供货商。因此,我们的经营模式也不是一般人很容易就复制的。 美国人普遍对德国产品的认知度和接受度都相当高,所以我们的德国和欧洲产品在美国也有相当的竞争力。商业前景 到目前为止我们已经有一些美国有经营经验的零售销售专家对我们的经营模式,地点,产品做出过综合的评估。普遍的认同是----我们有对路的产品,按照地点,面积和其它综合因素评估----我们月营业额不少于100万美金。我们的毛利润额不会低于45%。以上是相对保守的估计。 以上的估算只是零售这一项的估算,不包括批发和网络销售及其它收入。 我们能为您提供的资源 1. 投资移民的财政管理2. 投资移民的财产安全3. 投资移民的费用4. 项目和移民的链接1. 投资移民的资金管理A. 投资移民的资金是注入加盟的公司,投资人为公司的股东。公司每三个月会向全部股东做财务报告。每六个月召开股东大会。B. 资金主要用于产品的采购和公司的日常支出。不能用于任何私人用途。C. 100万美金占加盟店的 % (按照职业的评估报告为准)D. 投资到期投资人有权选择继续持有公司股份,或退资。退资时公司有权按照出资比例优先购回。2. 投资人的资金安全Factory 2 Family 整体投资每个店的货物至少在1000-1300万美金以上。以确保销售额在30%-35%的情况下,还会有大约400-500万美金的货在运输途中。此外,仍然需要有相应的产品在生产厂家生产中。故此,100万美金的投资饿实际占公司运转的成本相对较小。只要公司在安全的运转中。相信对投资人的资金是有绝对安全的保障的。3. 投资移民的费用A. 律师费 $50000B. 移民局规费 $4500-7500实际上最大的费用在投资者办理移民期间,是员工的税费和基本医疗保险及退休计划。如果雇10个员工以每个员工月收入2000美金计算。十个员工五年下来最少也要交给国家和有关部门20-25万美金。4. 项目和移民链接A. 投资人的全部员工税收和其它费用均由 Factory 2 Family 支出。这是一笔高额的费用。B. 投资人占公司指定的店的 %股份。C. 投资人拿到绿卡后有权销售或转让股份。也可以直接对接下一代投资移民人选。*.需要特别强调的是:我们能为您提供的投资移民的资源,并不是在美国能够轻易找到的。我们为您提供10个美国合法居民纳税的5年的记录,以确保您的投资移民在申请期间不出现任何差错。保证您和您所爱的家人顺利的成功获取美国绿卡资格。实际上最大的费用在投资者办理移民期间,是员工的税费和基本医疗保险及退休计划。如果雇10个员工以每个员工月收入(底薪)2000美金计算。十个员工十年下来最少也要交给国家和有关部门20-25万美金。这就是您投资的价值所在。欢迎有意愿的朋友来电话或前来实地考察。欢迎有意愿的朋友来电话或前来实地考察。联系人: Alex电话:909 919 0630REINEX (USA)CORP. DBA FACTORY 2 FAMILY9061 Central Ave Montclair California 91763investment immigration to the United StatesA. Advantages of investment immigrants (the difference between the two types of investment immigrants)One. Advantages of investment immigrationTwo. Investment immigration timeThree. Investment immigration processFour. The amount of investment immigration1 compared to other developed countries and regions, the U.S. investment immigration prices or the lowest. Canada requires investment of not less than 1.6 million Canadian dollars, the Australian investment of not less than 5 million Australian dollars, the United Kingdom not less than 5 million pounds, Hongkong not less than 10 million Hong Kong dollars)2 at present, the United States is still in the implementation of the investment immigration regulations enacted in 1990, the amount of investment immigration in the United States is $1 million. (new investment immigration has been through all procedures in both houses of Congress, 2016 September 1, began to increase by $1.2 million, and many complex conditions attached) investment in the economically underdeveloped areas can be lowered 0.5 million dollars, the premise is the area for three consecutive years the unemployment rate of at least 100% higher than the national average unemployment rate. Investment immigration can handle the whole family, including children under the age of 21.3 traditional investment immigration ($1 million) and the so-called pre approved investment immigration ($500 thousand, and now the most fierce speculation that) in the legal distinction is. 1 million U.S. dollars of traditional investment immigration must be in the U.S. territory for 3-5 years to solve 10 U.S. legal residents of the u.s.. And $500 thousand is not needed. However, as of today, 500 thousand of the investment of immigrants almost no investors to get their 500 thousand investment success, the first case can be found in 2006 is already approved immigration. Instead, there have been numerous cases and a backlog of $500 thousand in court cases in the courts. One of the more representative is that several investment projects in Las Vegas and Seattle have declared bankruptcy. That is to say investors not only lose everything, their investment will also end in failure.4 investment immigration friends are most concerned about, in fact, only the following two: first, the success of immigration cases within the specified time. Second, the safe return of funds.Two. Investment immigration timeTraditional investment immigration in the legal place is the largest, accounting for 10000 of the total investment immigration quota of 40%. That is to say, the approval of the traditional investment immigration is the fastest. However, due to the surge in investment immigration cases in the previous ten years, leading to the current time lag. The whole case from the date of application to get a formal green card, and now the time for 4 and a half to 5 years. Among them, to get the United States legal residence, immigration status is now about 1 and a half to 2 years.Three. Investment immigration process1 establish investment mode and amount2 capital import (remember, can not be free to import)3 set up the company or the company's capital increase form (about 1 months)4 investment immigration applications (immigration form I-526)5 I-526 approval (about 11 months)6 A. Guangzhou United States Consulate interview (investment immigrant visa) (about 6-8 months)B. United States within the territory of the interview (about 2-4 months)7 I-829 application (official green card) (about 6-11 months)8 approved official green cardThe whole program is about 4 years. The green card to 4 and a half years to complete, investment funds 5 years after the expiration of the return. After obtaining a temporary green card for 9 years and another 4 months can begin to apply for U.S. citizens.Four. The amount of traditional investment immigration is $1 million.American factories homeUnited States factory home Factory 2 FamilyThe United States home factory factory 2 family is the Rayleigh fix group carefully crafted a new commercial retail chain model. Located in the greater Losangeles area, the most prosperous business district. Convenient transportation, great commercial potential. The total business area of the project is about 20000 square feet, which is located in a retail corridor surrounded by a shopping mall group. Is one of several Los Angeles area is one of the few shopping and leisure venues, surrounding in addition to large shopping centers, and famous TAGET, Costco, Pier1Import, Walmart, bestbuy, Homedepo, rose, Anna 's Linds and tools on us, 99cent, PetCO, etc., well-known in the United States, brand stores, a strong atmosphere of international business.Our advantageOne. Change the general distribution channels, reduce the intermediate links, to the factory price of direct sales to consumers. This model in the United States is the latest business concept, in the past are importers of sales to distributors, distributors and then sell goods to retailers. Each of which has a price increase of about 80%-100%. (such as blanket; a drinking cup, factory price is $0.70, sold to the distributor price is 0.88 dollars, distributors sell price retailer general in more than $1.60, and retailers to sell a guest the most basic price can not be less than US $2.99. And the price we actually sell the same product can be directly controlled within 1.75 dollars.Two. Network sales is now fashionable electricity supplier. We have our own team to establish a network of sales platform, directly from the factory price to consumers. So as to realize the competitive advantage of price.Three. Wholesale - our retail store is our best showroom, the diversity of our products, resulting in no how an import and export company can compare with us. Because the general import and export companies are based on one or two series of products. We just ask other retailers in the United States to visit our showroom ". Will receive a wholesale order.Four. We have a store in the United States service, which has a strong appeal to the domestic plant. At present, the domestic electricity supplier in the United States encountered the biggest bottleneck is the product from the domestic sales to the United States requires the cost of shipping and time is too expensive. So, Chinese business people in the United States website is have high click rate, but only a few of the turnover rate. Because the guests to see the price of the product is very good, in order to order on the Internet to find products to be shipped from abroad, immediately put off the purchase of the idea. We can now establish warehousing and transportation services for Chinese manufacturers in the United States. In order to reduce the guest concerns to improve the competitiveness of the United States in Chinese network.Our foundationThe Rayleigh fix group itself is a multinational enterprise collaboration, German Rayleigh Essex company provides in the German production of American products exclusive dealership. There are 22 years of business experience Chinese rillieux company and nearly hundreds of years of supplier cooperation. Therefore, our business model is not the average person is easy to copy.Americans generally have a high degree of recognition and acceptance of German products, so our products in Germany and Europe in the United States also has a considerable competitive.Business prospectsSo far, we have some of the United States has experienced retail sales experts on our business model, location, product made a comprehensive assessment. General acceptance is -- we have marketable products, according to the location, area and other comprehensive factors assessment, our monthly turnover of not less than $100 million. And our operating costs will not be higher than $80000. Our gross profit will not be less than 45%. The above is a relatively conservative estimate.The above estimate is only a retail estimate, not including wholesale and online sales and other revenue.We can provide you with the resources1 financial management of investment immigrants2 investment immigration property security3 investment immigration costs4 links to projects and immigrants1 investment immigration funds managementA. investment immigration funds are injected to join the company, the shareholders of the company's investment. The company will make a financial report every three months. Shareholders' meeting held every six months.B. funds are mainly used for the procurement of products and the company's daily expenses. Can not be used for any private use.C. $1 million per cent of the franchise store (in accordance with the occupational assessment report)D. investment maturity investors have the right to choose to continue to hold the shares of the company, or withdraw. When the company has the right to return in accordance with the investment proportion of priority repurchase.2 investor capital securityFactory 2 Family overall investment in each store of goods at least 800-1000 million U.S. dollars or more. To ensure that sales in the case of 30%-35%, there will be about 400-500 million dollars in transit. In addition, there is still a need to have the appropriate product in the production of the manufacturer. Therefore, the actual cost of 1 million U.S. dollars of investment in the actual operation of the company is relatively small. As long as the company is in safe operation. Believe that the investor's funds are absolutely safe.3 investment immigration costsA. attorney fee $50000B. immigration fees $4500-7500In fact, the largest cost of immigration during the period of investors, is the employee's taxes and fees and basic medical insurance and retirement plans. If 10 employees are employed to calculate the monthly income of 2000 employees per employee. Ten employees at least ten years to be handed over to the state and the relevant departments 40-50 million.4 project and immigration linkA. all staff tax and other expenses of the investment by the Factory 2 Family spending. This is a high cost.B. investors accounted for% of the company's designated stores.C. investors to get a green card after the right to sell or transfer of shares. Can also be directly connected to the next generation of investment immigration candidates.*. Needs to be stressed is that we can provide you with the investment immigration resources, and not in the United States can easily find. We provide you with 5 U.S. legal residents to pay taxes for 10 years of record, to ensure that your investment immigration during the application does not appear any errors. Ensure that you and your family love the success of the successful acquisition of the United States green card eligibility.In fact, the largest cost of immigration during the period of investors, is the employee's taxes and fees and basic medical insurance and retirement plans. If you hire a staff of 10 employees in each monthly income (salary) 2000 dollars. Ten employees at least ten years to be handed over to the state and the relevant departments 45-55 million. This is the value of your investment.Corp. (USA) TBA Factory REINEX 2 Family9061 Ave Central Montclair California 91763

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