加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民新移民,留学生等的福音,请大家告诉大家! 没居留
新移民,留学生等的福音, 请大家告诉大家!没居留权PR者也可中请房地产执照了。..................................................................................................本月学生代表 Isabella form UC Santa Cruz 大学系敬邀请您一起上课, Isabella form UC Santa Cruz ,FirstRealty School Student ID ..................................................................................................依据加州房地产事业部公怖最新法案第1159条BPC商业及专业法规条列,自一月一日起免除永久居留权的证件要求,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!只要提供ssn社安号或tax id 税号即可!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BRE网站及其原文如下,请大家告诉大家http://www.dre.ca.gov/Licensees/SB1159Notice.htmlImportant notice regarding changes in requirements for licensure effective January 1, 2016.On September 28, 2014, the Governor signed Senate Bill 1159 (Lara, Chapter 752, Statutes of 2014), which adds Section 135.5 of the Business & Professions Code (BPC), changing the legal presence requirements to obtain a real estate license. Current law requires an individual to provide proof of legal presence (proof of U.S. citizenship or legal alien status), in the United States in order to obtain a real estate license. SB 1159, which becomes effective on January 1, 2016, will remove the legal presence requirement from the application process. Applicants will still be required to provide a social security number or an individual taxpayer identification number for licensure.Applications for a real estate license received on or after January 1, 2016 will no longer require proof of legal presence in the United States.依据加州房地产事业部公怖最新法案第1159条BPC商业及专业法规条列,自一月一日起免除永久居留权的证件要求,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!只要提供ssn社安号或tax id 税号即可!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BRE网站及其原文如下,请大家告诉大家http://www.dre.ca.gov/Licensees/SB1159Notice.htmlhttp://www.dre.ca.gov/Licensees/SB1159Notice.htmlImportant notice regarding changes in requirements for licensure effective January 1, 2016.On September 28, 2014, the Governor signed Senate Bill 1159 (Lara, Chapter 752, Statutes of 2014), which adds Section 135.5 of the Business & Professions Code (BPC), changing the legal presence requirements to obtain a real estate license. Current law requires an individual to provide proof of legal presence (proof of U.S. citizenship or legal alien status), in the United States in order to obtain a real estate license. SB 1159, which becomes effective on January 1, 2016, will remove the legal presence requirement from the application process. Applicants will still be required to provide a social security number or an individual taxpayer identification number for licensure.Applications for a real estate license received on or after January 1, 2016 will no longer require proof of legal presence in the United States.下列是我们加州部份八项Hilton's全餐 加州金牌加强班:教室或现场远距视讯上课 (包含中英对照教材,考题,及考题讲解或BRE证书 )California Gold: In-class or Live Conference Sales Exam Prep Course. Limited-Time offer 限本月订购$399.00 原价SKU: $499.00 *** 让您迅速报考一次考取State Exam ***包含加州政府BRE核准证书三张 北美首创在家远距现场教学 最高最强师资团队 最先进设备加州州政府房地产执照 (教室, 线上及远距现场视讯上课)For California Real Estate License live and on-lineFamous California Real Estate Author Principle and Exam book by Mr. Tom Felde***************************************************************Witeboardless? 没有白版的教室? Ya , 是的 !您没听错免费试听各州房地产/ 贷款MLO /模考训练http://www.firstrealtyschools.com/free-trial-128522.html留美数学电脑硕士 王老师 亲首自编中英教材及考题***************************************************************.......................................................................................................包含加州政府BRE核准教材及考题Includes bilingual study materials and exam questions by BRE1. 课程: 加州执照法律三门课程 California Real Estate License Law of Principle, Practice, and Finance2. 教室及现场远距视讯 (InClass and Live Webinar )上课 In-class and/or live conference study Live 加州执照法律课程教学 (王老师) California License Law x 10 Chapters live3. 王老师精编中英对照浓缩教材 (王老师) Bilingual study guide ( English and Mandarin )4. 精华考题本 Test questions by Mr. Tom Felde5. 免费附赠: On-line网路加州执照法律试题讲解 (王老师) Video for California License Law Video x 9 Chapters6. 免费附赠: On-line网路精华考题本试题讲解 (王老师) Video for BRE approved Exam Book by Mr. Tom Felde7. 免费附赠: 免费Live 当月最新最全考题讲解 Monthly and latest exam update live* BONUS1. 免费附赠价值九百块的免费陪训课程十堂 (可教室或视讯参加) $900 Value Free 10 trainning seminars (Free in-class or live video conference)2. Your student ID included3. You are eligible to our mobile AD and network4. 一年内皆可免费循环上课 Free to retake the course within six months circulation, up to one year with proof of attending State exam**************************************************************详细教学及培训, 请免费加试看: Www.FirstRealtySchools.com世界闻名的川普饭店 Trump Hotel Remote live Open House for First Realty*********************************************************************************************** 请速上网免费使用 www.firstrealtyschools.com ********************* 无论您在世界任何地方, 都可以同时同步现场视讯上课并发问 ************************ 全美首创远距教学现场视讯, 免除您塞车之苦 ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************Whiteboardless?没有白版的教室? Ya , 是的 !您没听错***************************************************************您的目标就是我们的目标 - 让您一次应试便轻松考取执照 !1. 房地产执照班 2. 贷款执照班 3. 保险执照班Realtor Sales Agent and Broker, Mortgage Loan Officer, Insurance license1。周二及周四房地产执照晚班。(全球视讯直播班晚6~8pm)(讲师王老师)。2。周六房地产金牌英文执照班。(全球视讯直播班10~12pm)(讲师王老师)。3。周三贷款执照班。(全球视讯直播班晚6~8pm)(讲师王老师)。4。周ㄧ保险执照班。(全球视讯直播班晚6~8pm)(讲师李老师)。5。周五房地产执照晚班。(全球视讯直播班晚6~8pm)(讲师Garry老师)。***************************************************************详情请参考第一地产学校留美数学电脑硕士 王老师 亲首自编中英教材及考题北美首创中文视讯教学 Live Video 在家即可参与现场上课与发问免费试听(含培训)https://www.chineseinla.com/la_weblinks/task_view/id_15832.html有师资介绍,执照资格,考生心得,现场教学,讲解考题,絰纪人陪训,中文, 英文教学及 考前总覆习 Crash Course, 全美最专业地产学校Los Angeles - CaliforniaTel: 626-636-6525
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