加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民原安邦保险集团有限公司在中国境内外所有受影


集体诉讼公告案件名称:Zhao等诉Li等案卷号:1:20-cv-03138-TJK与美国哥伦比亚特区地方法院通知原安邦保险集团有限公司(以下称“安邦”)在中国境内外所有受影响的股东和债权人。您可能会受到集体诉讼的影响:涉及中华人民共和国的的李先生通过大家保险集团有限公司通过其美国子公司AB Stable VIII。 LLC和其他合作方,即被告,因为违反国际法以及美国宪法和美国联邦法律将安邦公司非法国有化予以征收而被诉。Zhao等诉Li,el,案卷号:1:20- cv-03138-TJK,目前在美国哥伦比亚特区地方法院审理。法院裁定,该诉讼应是代表原告“全体”或可能包括您在内的一群人的集体诉讼。该通知概述了您即将进行的审判之前的权利和选择。有关详细信息,请参见下面的网站。如果您被包括在内,则必须决定是否留在该原告群体中并受到任何判决结果的约束,你也可以要求被排除在外并保留起诉被告的权利。眼下还没有可供分配的资金,也不能保证会有。如果您是安邦保险集团有限公司(以下简称“安邦”),及其分支机构,子公司,前身,分公司,投资者,从2002年5月到2020年2月18日这段时间内,您可以成为本案受益人,并被分配到本集体诉讼中赢得的赔偿。该诉讼试图通过禁令和声明性救济使国有化无效,以否定这种以前安邦名义下私人财产的非法国有化及其果实,并确保金钱损失得到补偿。该集体诉讼的律师必须在审判中证明其索偿要求。美国叶宁律师事务所及其附属律师事务所,Law Office of Ning Ye, Esq. Att.: Anbang Class Action, 39-06 Main Street, #228, Flushing, NY 11354, USA, 代表您成为“集体安邦集体诉讼法律代表”。任何有关个人和实体参与本诉讼都无需支付集体诉讼任何费用。相反,如果集体诉讼律师为该集体获得金钱或利益,则集体诉讼律师可以向法院索取律师费和开销。这些费用将由被告人支付或从赔偿所得的任何收入中支付。然后再将其余部分交给受益人集体。您也可以雇用自己的律师代您出庭;如果这样做,则你必须向您单独选择的律师付款。现在列明的赵先生和安邦集团有限责任公司是与您一样的原告集体成员,法院接受他们作为“原告集体的代表”。您有什么选择?您可以选择是否留在集体诉讼中,并且必须立即决定。如果您留在本诉讼中,您将受到法院所有命令和判决的法律约束,并且您将不能或不可以单独起诉Li等人(作为任何其他诉讼的一部分)。从2002年5月到2020年2月18日,基于相同的诉讼原因,如你要参加集体诉讼,您现在无需执行任何操作。如果您要求被排除在集体诉讼之外,那么您将无法从该诉讼中获得任何金钱或利益,即使有任何裁决,但您将保留你自己的任何权利来起诉这些列出的被告,无论现在还是将来,并且不受法院对本集体诉讼作出的任何命令或判决约束。如果您选择不参加本集体诉讼,请发送一封信至以下地址,邮戳日期不得晚于2021年7月31日,表明您希望被排除在Zhao等人诉Li等人一案 (1:20-cv-03138-TJK)。不包括在内的通知必须包含您的姓名,地址和电话号码。您如何获得更多信息?如果您有关于此诉讼及其权利的疑问或想要详细的通知或其他文件,请访问www Anbang-classaction com,或写信给:Anbang Class Action,39-06 Main Street,#228,Flushing,NY 11354, USA; 也可致电叶宁律师的助理Frank. 电话为:929-204-2894.Public Notice for Class ActionCase Name: Zhao et al v. Li, et alDocket Number: 1:20-cv-03138-TJKWith U.S. District Court for the District of ColumbiaNotification to All Affected Shareholders and Creditors of Formerly Anbang Insurance Group Co, Ltd.(hereinafter “Anbang”) in and out of ChinaYou may be affected by a class action lawsuit about whether Li of the CCP, via Dajia Insurance Group Co. Ltd., through its such U.S. Subsidiaries as AB Stable VIII. LLC and other corroborators, the Defendants, as expropriators in illegal nationalization of Anbang in violation of law of nations, as well as of U.S. constitution and U.S. Federal Law., Zhao, et v. Li, el, Docket Number: 1:20-cv-03138-TJK and is in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. The Court decided this lawsuit should be a class action on behalf of a “Class,” or group of people, that could include you. This notice summarizes your rights and options before an upcoming trial. More information is in a detailed notice available at the website below. If you’re included, you have to decide whether to stay in the Class and be bound by whatever results, or ask to be excluded and keep your right to sue Defendants. There is no money available now and no guarantee that there will be.ARE YOU AFFECTED? If you are the shareholders, or creditors and trustees, receivers, estates or heirs thereof, regardless natural or juridical persons, to Anbang Insurance Group Co. Ltd. (hereinafter “Anbang”), its branches, subsidiaries, predecessors, affiliates, investors, victims during the period from May 2002 through February 18, 2020, you are included as the beneficiaries and distributees into this Class Action. The lawsuit seeks to invalidate by injunctive and declaratory relief to reverse such illegal expropriation, and its fruits, of private ownership formerly under the name of Anbang and to ensure money damages to compensate the Class. The lawyers for the Class will have to prove their claims at a trial for $279Billion, including approximately $9Billion for the properties located in the United States.WHO REPRESENTS YOU? Law Office of Ning Ye, Esq., and its affiliated Law Firms, 39-06 Main Street, #228, Flushing, NY 11354, USA, represent you as “Class Counsel.” You don’t have to pay Class Counsel, or anyone else, to participate. Instead, if Class Counsels get money or benefits for the Class, they may ask the Court for attorneys’ fees and costs, which would be paid by Defendants or out of any revenue recovered, before giving the rest to the Class. You may hire your own lawyer to appear in Court for you; if you do, you have to pay that lawyer you individually selected. Yan Zhao and An Bang Group LLC are Class members like you, and the Court accepted them as the “Class Representatives.”WHAT ARE YOUR OPTIONS? You have a choice of whether to stay in the Class or not, and you must decide this now. If you stay in the Class, you will be legally bound by all orders and judgments of the Court, and you won’t be able to sue, or continue to sue, Li, et al—as part of any other lawsuit—for the same causes of action during the period from May 2002 through February 18, 2020. To stay in the Class, you do not have to do anything now. If you ask to be excluded from the Class, you cannot get any money or benefits from this lawsuit if any are awarded, but you will keep any rights to sue these listed Defendants for these claims, now or in the future, and will not be bound by any orders or judgments of the Court. To ask to be excluded, send a letter to the address below, postmarked by July 31, 2021, that says you want to be excluded from Zhao, et al v. Li, et al . 1:20-cv-03138-TJK. Your notice not to be included must Include your name, address, and telephone number.HOW CAN YOU GET MORE INFORMATION? If you have questions or want a detailed notice or other documents about this lawsuit and your rights, visit www Anbang-classaction com, or write to: Anbang Class Action, 39-06 Main Street, #228, Flushing, NY 11354, USA.

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