加拿大华人论坛 美国汽车买卖2003 Honda Accord two door EX
灰色外观和黑布内饰,2门,2.4L发动机,140,000英里,有天窗,车主不吸烟,座椅状况良好,更换了新电池(2020年8月更换),刚换过机油,更换了四个新轮胎,空调状况良好并且安全气囊还没有被使用。 不太好:-收音机坏了 -AUX无法正常工作,但仍可以为手机充电 我已经买了这辆车三年了。它的引擎还是不错的,我只在洛杉矶做本地驾驶用于上下班工作时使用。我现在仍然在开这辆车。它是加利福尼亚车牌,clean title。刚刚renew registration。我住在阿罕布拉(Alhambra),目前不方便送车。 要价3200美元,我们可以协商价格。Grey exterior and black cloth interior, 2 door, 2.4L engine, 140,000 miles, moon roof, never smoked in, good condition seats, new battery(Replace it on August 2020), oil change, New four tires, good condition on AC, and air bags have not gone off.Not so great:-radio is not working-AUX is not working but can still charging your phone.I’ve got this car for 3 years. It's engine is still good and I only do local driving at Los Angeles for working.I am still driving the car. It has California clean title and license plates. New registration. I live in Alhambra , and would not drive it out to you for delivery. Asking $3200, or we can negotiate the price.
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