想请教各位关于carpool的边线使用规则我知道如果是间隔的白线可自由进出双黄线不可跨越进出但有时右侧可看到一条白实线+两条双黄线(老外邻居说 可出不可进真的吗)那其他的何解(五号往SD通通可以看到)或是一条黄线+一条黑线+一条黄线或是一条白实线+一条黄线+一条黑线+一条黄线或是一条白实线+四条黄线或是一条白实线+一条黄线+一条黑线+一条黄线+一条黄线+一条黑线+一条黄线(没错共七条)
想请教各位关于carpool的边线使用规则我知道如果是间隔的白线可自由进出双黄线不可跨越进出但有时右侧可看到一条白实线+两条双黄线(老外邻居说 可出不可进真的吗)那其他的何解(五号往SD通通可以看到)或是一条黄线+一条黑线+一条黄线或是一条白实线+一条黄线+一条黑线+一条黄线或是一条白实线+四条黄线或是一条白实线+一条黄线+一条黑线+一条黄线+一条黄线+一条黑线+一条黄线(没错共七条) By rovenc
找了半天也只有双白线和双黄线的规定HOV Lane Striping:Do not cross solid, double lines whether they are white or yellow! If you are entering or exiting an HOV lane, you must change lanes only where there is a designated area or where you are crossing a single dashed line (white). In all cases, you must change lanes safely. For details, see the California Vehicle Code, Sections 21655.8 and 21460.21655.8. (a) Except as required under subdivision (b), whenexclusive or preferential use lanes for high-occupancy vehicles areestablished pursuant to Section 21655.5 and double parallel solidlines are in place to the right thereof, no person driving a vehiclemay cross over these double lines to enter into or exit from theexclusive or preferential use lanes, and entrance or exit may be madeonly in areas designated for these purposes or where a single brokenline is in place to the right of the exclusive or preferential uselanes. (b) Upon the approach of an authorized emergency vehicledisplaying a red light or siren, as specified in Section 21806, aperson driving a vehicle in an exclusive or preferential use laneshall exit that lane immediately upon determining that the exit canbe accomplished with reasonable safety. (c) Raised pavement markers may be used to simulate painted linesdescribed in this section.21460. (a) If double parallel solid yellow lines are in place, aperson driving a vehicle shall not drive to the left of the lines,except as permitted in this section. (b) If double parallel solid white lines are in place, a persondriving a vehicle shall not cross any part of those double solidwhite lines, except as permitted in this section or Section 21655.8. (c) If the double parallel lines, one of which is broken, are inplace, a person driving a vehicle shall not drive to the left of thelines, except as follows: (1) If the driver is on the side of the roadway in which thebroken line is in place, the driver may cross over the double linesor drive to the left of the double lines when overtaking or passingother vehicles. (2) As provided in Section 21460.5. (d) The markings as specified in subdivision (a), (b), or (c) donot prohibit a driver from crossing the marking if (1) turning to theleft at an intersection or into or out of a driveway or privateroad, or (2) making a U-turn under the rules governing that turn, andthe markings shall be disregarded when authorized signs have beenerected designating offcenter traffic lanes as permitted pursuant toSection 21657. (e) Raised pavement markers may be used to simulate painted linesdescribed in this section if the markers are placed in accordancewith standards established by the Department of Transportation.21460.5. (a) The Department of Transportation and local authoritiesin their respective jurisdictions may designate a two-way left-turnlane on a highway. A two-way left-turn lane is a lane near the centerof the highway set aside for use by vehicles making left turns inboth directions from or into the highway. (b) Two-way left-turn lanes shall be designated by distinctiveroadway markings consisting of parallel double yellow lines, interiorline dashed and exterior line solid, on each side of the lane. TheDepartment of Transportation may determine and prescribe standardsand specifications governing length, width, and positioning of thedistinctive pavement markings. All pavement markings designating atwo-way left-turn lane shall conform to the Department ofTransportation's standards and specifications. (c) A vehicle shall not be driven in a designated two-wayleft-turn lane except when preparing for or making a left turn fromor into a highway or when preparing for or making a U-turn whenotherwise permitted by law, and shall not be driven in that lane formore than 200 feet while preparing for and making the turn or whilepreparing to merge into the adjacent lanes of travel. A left turn orU-turn shall not be made from any other lane where a two-wayleft-turn lane has been designated. (d) This section does not prohibit driving across a two-wayleft-turn lane. (e) Raised pavement markers may be used to simulate the paintedlines described in this section when those markers are placed inaccordance with standards established by the Department ofTransportation.
关于一条白实线+两条黄实线:“I believe I have the answer to the origin of the mysterious solid white line inside the double-yellow of the carpool lane.Think about when you’re driving on a regular street. The double-yellow represents the dividing line between you and oncoming traffic. If you cross a double-yellow on a regular street you will be driving in the wrong direction.Now let’s say you lawfully merge into the carpool lane on a freeway, by crossing over the dashed white line. The dashed line soon ends and is replaced by the double-yellow (with the single white line). The whole reason for the existence of the white line is to let you know it’s ok to be on the left of the double-yellow, i.e. it tells you you are not driving into oncoming traffic on the freeway. Pretty hoky I know, especially since most of the time there’s a concrete median that keeps you on the right side of the road. But if you think about it, it does make sense from a jurisprudence point of view.”引用于http://www.jmoreyins.com/2013/03/15/carpool_lane_what_do_those_yellow_white_lines_mean/
有驾驶民众谣传高速公路汽车共乘道内侧若为白色实线,共乘道内车辆可自由切换至外车道,昨日加州高速公路警察CHP否认此说法,指出白色实线路段严禁换道,违法者最高可罚700元。 圣盖博谷华人最常使用的10号高速公路上,东到605号公路,西到710号高速公路有段长达10多英里的汽车共乘道,此段共乘道右侧有条白色实线,旁边则还有双黄实线,与外侧车道区隔开来。 有驾驶民众谣传,共乘道内若有白线,代表车辆可任意切换到外车道,但一般外车道侧因为有双黄线阻挡,禁止切换进入共乘道,因此每到上下班尖峰时间,常见共乘道内车辆,就算还没到缓冲虚线路段,仍任意切换到外侧道,一般车道的驾驶被迫紧急踩煞车降速,危险就在一瞬间。 一名亚凯迪亚市居民每天与同样在洛杉矶市区工作的妻子共乘一辆车通勤,过去认为在虚线缓冲区才能切换到外车道,听朋友说白实线也可换道后,每次都在共乘道内行驶到接近出口时,直接穿越白实线和双黄线切换到外道。 对此高速公路警察表示,共乘道车辆可穿越白色实线换道完全是误传,行驶在共乘道内的车辆若要切换到外道,一定要等到白色虚线缓冲区(White broken line)才能切换车道,错过了也要等到下个缓冲区,任意穿越白色实线和双黄线,依规定可罚$275元到$700元,驾驶人千万要注意。 另外民众也偶尔见到两组双黄线同时区隔开共乘道和外侧车道,让人感到困惑,对此高速公路警察解释,目前法律正修法将共乘道内侧全漆上白色,因此未来一年到两年内,驾驶民众将不再看到以两组双黄线区隔的共乘道。
但是我觉得LA的CARPOOL 真的是堵的时候也没啥用 而且好多路段还给钱。。。
Carpool 比正常车道还慢...
最近好像又有人开始问 "Carpool 一白线两黄线" 能不能出入的问题,藉此机会再跟大家呼吁一下,免得无意间触法。首先,大家要先知道"白线"与"黄线"分别代表的意义:白线:分隔车道 - 意指在加州法律规定下,汽车在正常情况下必须行驶的空间 / 范围。黄线:区分车道种类 - 例如:共乘车道丶路肩等。法律规定只有三种情况才可换道。第一,白色虚线路段可正常换道。第二,左侧黄色虚线丶右侧黄色实线,代表共乘车道内之车辆可穿越到内侧车道,但内侧车道之车辆不可经该处进入共乘车道。第三,驾驶人在遇到紧急状况,或有执法人员在场,才可依指示进出共乘车道。除上述情况外,不论是单条白色实线丶双黄綫丶或其他情况,皆不可自行穿越。警员若发现违规驾驶,必当场拦下,并开出罸单以做惩戒。按照加州车管局出版的驾驶手册,虽然车辆禁止在双黄綫左转,但如果车辆是转进私人广场丶住宅或路口,则不算违法,但由于高速公路上不可能有左转情形,因此双黄綫作为区格线道之用是不可以任意换道穿越的。资讯出处:在下以前在星岛日报当记者时,采访警方所得出的答案引用网址:https://www.facebook.com/groups/643887782295831/http://dailynews.sina.com/…/singt…/20120420/02063329577.html
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