加拿大华人论坛 美国汽车买卖2005 Honda Civic hybrid 4 door Gold color
2005 Honda Civic hybrid 4 doorRuns great, clean title, new transmission, ac and heater work and everything else works windows, lights, radio etc... interior is in tip top shape.do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers$2,700.00 OBO 180xxxCash only no other payment will be acceptIf interest please text first english or chinese车没出过事故.按那些卖车的话说,应该是叫clean title.但开在路上,被一些石子或者什么的东西刮到的小划痕肯定是有的.这个是避免不了啦.假如你对这车有兴趣,.请留下您的邮箱,我会发给你.实在不想发到网上.u然后,非诚则勿扰.谢谢阅读捧场. ^_^Text : 1-626-703-9999
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