加拿大华人论坛 美国汽车买卖加州DMV针对各种事故罚单怎么扣分


在加州开车的朋友们都知道收到罚单或发生事故要扣分的。但是扣多少分,具体是什么标准呢?Elle搜罗下扣分标准给大家开讲了^^一般来说,大多数事故和罚单只扣一分,比如说:超速扣1分大多数的交通罚单,比如说stop sign未停扣1分交通事故如果你是肇事方将会扣1分,如果别人是肇事方或者只是非常小的刮伤等经济赔偿你将不会被扣分。但是有些是会扣2分的,比如说:DUI 酒驾Hit&Run 肇事逃逸其中DUI又是十分严重的,轻则扣分罚款,重则吊销驾照,去酒驾学校丶进监狱或社区服务。保险公司更会将严重酒驾的人列入”黑名单“。DUI酒驾的酒精测试标准是:21岁以下的 酒精浓度不超过0.01%21岁以上的 酒精浓度不超过0.08%商用车驾驶者 酒精浓度不超过0.04%DUI酒驾可能会导致吊销或暂时吊销驾照。根据DUI酒驾的程度会不同时间的吊销驾照,可以通过律师来帮您申请恢复驾照或者申请临时驾照。怎样消除扣分呢加州的DMV允许通过去交通学校学习来消除部分种类的扣分,除了DUI酒驾外基本都可以通过学习来消除扣分。什么样的扣分算是limit呢4 points in 1 year6 points in 2 years8 points in 3 years下面是DMV的针对具体情况的扣分标准说明Point Count -California Vehicle Code (VC) ViolationsSectionViolationPoints on your licenseVC 14601,14601a,14601 b, 14601.1- 14601.4Driving while suspended/revokedTwo pointsVC 14601.5Driving, suspended/revoked for refusing testOne pointVC 14603Violation of license restrictionsOne pointVC 20001, 20001a 20002, 20002a, 20002bHit and run/injury/property damageTwo pointsVC 21100.3Disregarding traffic officer’s directionsOne pointVC 21209, 21209aDriving in bicycle laneOne pointVC 21367, 21367a, 21367b, 21367cDisobedience to traffic signs/controllerOne pointVC 21451, 21451a, 21451bIllegal movement/green light/arrowOne pointVC 21452, 21452aIllegal movement/yellow light/arrowOne pointVC 21453, 21453a, 21453b, 21453cIllegal movement/red/light/arrowOne pointVC 21454, 21454a - d, 21455Traffic signalsOne pointVC 21457, 21457a, 21457bDisobedience to flashing signalsOne pointVC 21460a, 21460bDouble lines/one broken lineOne pointVC 21460.5cUse of two-way left turn laneOne pointVC 21461, 21461a, 21462Disobedience to traffic control deviceOne pointVC 21650, 21650a - fKeep rightOne pointVC 21651, 21651aCrossing divided highwayOne pointVC 21651bDriving wrong side/divided highwayTwo pointsVC 21652Entering highway from service roadOne pointVC 21654, 21654a, 21654b, 21655, 21655bLane use/slow moving vehicleOne pointVC 21655.8High-occupancy vehicle lane/entering/exitingOne pointVC 21656 - 21662, 21662a, 21662bImproper lane useOne pointVC 21663Driving on sidewalkOne pointVC 21664Freeway ramp/entering/exitingOne pointVC 21700Load obstructing driver’s viewOne pointVC 21701Interfering with driver’s control of vehicleOne pointVC 21702, 21702a, 21702bDriving hours limitationOne pointVC 21703, 21704, 21704a, 21705, 21706Following too closelyOne pointVC 21707Driving in fire areaOne pointVC 21709Driving in safety zoneOne pointVC 21711Towed vehicle swervingOne pointVC 21712, 21712a, 21712d, 21712f, 21715, 21715a, 21715bUnlawful riding/towingOne pointVC 21717Turning across bicycle laneOne pointVC 21750 - 21757, 21758, 21759Illegal passingOne pointVC 21800 - 21804, 21804a, 21804bRight-of-wayOne pointVC 21805, 21805bYielding right-of-way to horseback riderOne pointVC 21806, 21806aYielding right-of-way to emergency vehicleOne pointVC 21807Unsafe operation of emergency vehicleOne pointVC 21950, 21950a, 21951, 21952Yielding right-of-way to pedestrianOne pointVC 21954, 21954bDue care for pedestrian on roadwayOne pointVC 21960aProhibited use of freewayOne pointVC 21963Yielding right-of-way to blind pedestrianOne pointVC 22100 - 22105Turning and U-turnsOne pointVC 22106Unsafe starting/backing of vehicleOne pointVC 22107 - 22111, 22111a, 22111b, 22111cSignaling turns and stopsOne pointVC 22112, 22112aSchool bus signalingOne pointVC 22348, 22348a, 22348cSpeed/use of designated lanesOne pointVC 22348bSpeed over 100 MPHTwo pointsVC 22349, 22349.5Maximum speedOne pointVC 22350, 22351, 22352, 22352a, 22352bBasic/prima facie speed limitOne pointVC 22354, 22355Exceeding posted/freeway speed limitOne pointVC 22356, 22356bMaximum speed 70 mphOne pointVC 22357, 22358.4Speed in excess of local limitsOne pointVC 22359, 22360, 22361Speed in excess of local limitsOne pointVC 22362Speed/construction zoneOne pointVC 22363Restricted speed/weather conditionsOne pointVC 22364Speed/traffic lanesOne pointVC 22400, 22400a, 22400bDriving too slowOne pointVC 22405, 22405aSpeed/bridge/tunnelOne pointVC 22406, 22407Maximum designated vehicle speedOne pointVC 22409, 22410Speed/solid/metal tiresOne pointVC 22413Speed limit on gradesOne pointVC 22450, 22451, 22452, 22452a, 22452bStop required/railroad crossingOne pointVC 22454Stop for school busOne pointVC 23103, 23103a,23103 bReckless drivingTwo pointsVC 23104, 23104aReckless driving/causing bodily injuryTwo pointsVC 23109, 23109b, 23109dSpeed contest/aiding or abettingOne pointVC 23109a, 23109cSpeed contest /exhibition of speedTwo pointsVC 23116, 23116aTransporting person in truck load spaceOne pointVC 23127Driving on trails and pathsOne pointVC 23140, 23140a, 23140bMinor driving with BAC of 0.05% or moreTwo pointsVC 23152, 23152a-dDUI/alcoholic beverage or drugsTwo pointsVC 23153, 23153a-dDUI/causing bodily injury or deathTwo pointsVC 23220Drinking while drivingOne pointVC 23222, 23222a, 23222bMarijuana or open container/drivingOne pointVC 23235Ignition interlock verificationOne pointVC 23244, 23244bDefeating ignition interlock deviceOne pointVC 23253Disobedience to toll highway officerOne pointVC 23270, 23270aUnauthorized towingOne pointVC 23330, 23330cWidth/load of vehicle at crossingOne pointVC 23336Disobedience to sign/vehicle crossingOne pointVC 24002, 24002a, 24002bUnsafe/unlawfully equipped vehicleOne pointVC 24004Operation after notice by officerOne pointVC 24250Lighting equipmentOne pointVC 24409, 24409a, 24409bFailure to dim lightsOne pointVC 24604Lamps/flag for extended loadOne pointVC 25103, 25103a, 25103bLamps on projecting loadOne pointVC 26301, 26302, 26302a, 26302b, 26302cBrakesOne pointVC 26303, 26304, 26304a, 26304bBrakes/combination vehiclesOne pointVC 26307Forklift truck brakesOne pointVC 26311, 26311a, 26311b, 26311cAll wheel service brakesOne pointVC 26456, 26457Brakes/stopping distanceOne pointVC 26458, 26458a, 26458.5Braking system/towing vehiclesOne pointVC 26502aAdjustment/use of air brakesOne pointVC 26503 - 26506, 26506a, 26507Airbrake systemOne pointVC 26508, 26508a - c, 26508e - k, 26508oEmergency stopping systemOne pointVC 26520, 26521, 26522Vacuum brakesOne pointVC 27360, 27360a - c, 27360.5, 27360a - cChild Passenger restraintOne pointVC 27363, 27363bChild seat beltOne pointVC 27800, 27801, 27801a, 27801bMotorcycle/passengers and equipmentOne pointVC 2800Disobedience to traffic officerOne pointVC 2800.1Evading peace officerOne pointVC 2801Disobedience to fire officialOne pointVC 2803, 2803a, 2803b, 2803cUnsafe vehicle loadOne pointVC 2815Disregarding non-student crossing guardOne pointVC 2816Youth bus/children crossing highwayOne pointVC 2817Disregarding funeral escort officerOne pointVC 2818Crossing safety flares/conesOne pointVC 2800.2, 2800.3Evading peace officer/reckless drivingTwo pointsVC 29001, 29002Fifth wheel connecting/locking deviceOne pointVC 29003a, 29003b, 29003cHitch and coupling deviceOne pointVC 29004, 29004a - c, 29006, 29006aTowed vehicle couplingOne pointVC 29201Pole dolly/load and lengthOne pointVC 31301, 31301aCaldecott tunnel restrictionsOne pointVC 31303, 31303b, 31303c, 31303eHazardous waste transportationOne pointVC 31402Farm labor vehicle/unsafe operationOne pointVC 31540, 31504bRemovable containers/regulationsOne pointVC 31602, 31602a, 31602b, 31602cExplosives transportationTwo pointsVC 31614, 31614a, 3164b, 31614d - f 31614h, 31614iExplosives transportationOne pointVC 32104, 32104a, 32104b, 32105, 32105a, 32105c-eInhalation hazard transportationOne pointVC 32106, 32106a - dInhalation hazard transportationOne pointVC 34102Tank vehicle regulationsOne pointVC 34501.2, 34501a, 34501cDriving hours limitationsOne pointVC 34506, 34506a - gDriving hours, equipment, maintenance, operationOne pointVC 34506.3Safety regulation violationOne pointVC 34509, 34509c, 34509dVanpool vehicle maintenance inspectionOne pointVC 35784, 35784a, 35784bViolation of special permitOne pointVC 35784.5, 35784a, 35784bExtralegal load/weightOne pointVC 36400Lift-carrier/speedOne pointVC 36705Bale wagon load width during darknessOne point原文请看https://www.chineseinla.com/la_weblinks/task_view/id_11227.html


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