加拿大华人论坛 美国汽车买卖洛杉矶租车 代步车高档车 不限里程 送车
我们的愿景就是为您提供性价比高,除了满足您的需求,车子最重要的是安全保障。我们有自己的汽车检修厂,我们的车子在到您手上之前第一要确保车子经过检查再出发,因为您的平安是我们最惦记的。另外,我们并不追求利益最大话,沟通和协调是我们的宗旨。车子满意,价格也要满意,租车之前之后有任何状况,随时帮助您解决。 目前市场车辆紧缺,我们最大限度调动一切资源为您提供各种型号代步车!找不到合适可心的车,请马上联系我们为您解决代步问题。微信1: sheiskaka微信2: sheiskaka2电话1: 6265595020电话2: 6268068221We provide ecnomic cars for renting.We are making great efforts to satisfy every need of you. Further more, safty is the most important thing we value.We check every car before we deliver it to you, your safty is what we concern.Profit is not the only thing we are chasing but communication and providing helps any time areour bussinis concepts.beside those above, we always belive great price is one of the toppest important thing too. We like happy deal always.Pls contact us anytime freely.
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