加拿大华人论坛 美国汽车买卖TIger Mountain改装锻造轮圈 .可为您定制您想要任何
Tiger Mountain 我们是一家大型的国内轮圈制造企业,现已经成立LA分公司。 本公司可为您定制您想要任何 颜色 款式 工艺 刻字 刻图 的个性高品质改装锻造轮圈!! 本人为洛杉矶分公司负责经理 我的联系方式为 微信:nnchose 电话:626 578 5964 以下为我们为订制客户制作的一些成品: 我公司专注于高端锻造轮毂 曾经为 雪佛兰 福特 本田 现代 等多家企业代工生产OEM轮圈 并且为多家世界著名改装轮圈品牌作为代工 日本WATANABE 日本 venerdi 泰国AAW 意大利MAK 德国DMS 德国ATS 英国3SDM 关于我们: We are owned and operated in Walnut, CA. We specialize in precision manufacturing and timely delivery of cast, forged, fabricated and machined products to exact specifications. In addition, we sell several products, such as wheels, welders, water pumps, fish tanks, hydroponics, outdoor string lights, and e-bikes! Our goal is to build long-term relationships with North American manufacturers by supplying superior quality products at unbeatable prices. Feel free to contact us if you would like more information about our products or manufacturing capabilities!
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