加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘IT Engineer


Name:Gong ChenElation SystemsCo., Ltd. (California), Wuhan Branch 2409, Huigushikong, Jiayuan Road Wuhan, HubeiProvince, China, 430073 Email: [email protected]: MaleDate of Birth:November 10, 1979Citizenship: P.R. ChinaEmploymentHistoryElation SystemsCo., Ltd. (California), Wuhan Branch, 2012 - CurrentTeam Leader andProject Manager (Tech.)Location:Wuhan, China Responsibilities & Achievements:Served for subsystems in Elation Systems as Team Leader and Project Manager. (eg. PayrollSystem, Payments System etc.) Subsystems in Elation Systems provide aCloud-basedbusiness processand contract compliance management system for companies and government agenciesto work together, at the moment mainly the California Government, allow allparties to streamline administrative tasks and to meet compliance reporting andmonitoring requirements, as set forth in local, state and federal regulatorypolicies.a)Designed and developed Payroll System, PaymentsSystem, Index System, Electronic Report System, by using Asp.Net, Jquery, WCFetc.;b)Designed and developedipad and iphone mobile systems component of background server;c)Modified managementprocess following requirements;d)Provided maintenance ofdatabase, by using Sqlserver Database;e)Provided other systemsinteract with Elation systems, by using WCF etc.Central China Normal University March, 2008 ‒April, 2010Information Analyst and Team LeaderLocation: Wuhan, China Responsibilities &Achievements:Served for Wuhan Sightseeing Center as adeveloper, and sustained in ActiveX, J2EE, Oracle and Linux Shell script, andstruts2 architecture for Wuhan Sightseeing CenterE-commerceInformation Systemsa)Designed and developed E-commerceInformation System;b)Provided incidentmanagement;c)Modified managementprocess following requirements;d)Provided maintenance ofdatabase;e)Created and maintainedLinux shell scripts;f)Implemented filetransmission and analysis;g)Imported and exporteddata from Oracle database.Wellhope Information Technology Co., Ltd., HQDecember, 2003 ‒ August, 2006Senior Software Engineer and Project Manager(Tech.)Location: Shanghai, China Responsibilities &Achievements:Served for Electronic Information SecurityPlatform ofE-commerceandE-governmentSystem as asenior developer and project manager (technical support).Milestonesas a project manager: Jiangsu Province PowerCompanyE-commerceModel Safety Project; State Department GeneralOffice Of The NationalE-GovernmentDemonstration Project;Shanghai Industrial And Commercial Bureau Online Electronic Yearly EvaluateProject. Thesoftware has been run very well for more than five years, which has madeconsiderable profits for the sponsors.a)Led platform systemglobal design and information analyst;b)Managed e-commerceinformation security middleware team and provided information securitymiddleware client and server software development and support, includingMicrosoft Cryptographic Service Provider package encapsulation, public keyinfrastructure encrypt/sign/decrypt local client middleware andlong-rangeLinux encrypt/sign/decrypt server system, by using C++, java, Corba, socketcommunication etc. for Pki&Pkcs protocol and relatively RFC Standard;c)Supported and maintained e-commerceCertification Authoritarian System, signatureX.509 Certification for Information Security Platform and Microsoftapplications.Wellhope Information Technology Co., Ltd, July,2002 ‒ November, 2003Software EngineerLocation: Shanghai, China Responsibilities &Achievements:Served for Information Security Encrypt ofE-commerceandE-governmentSystems as a developer and provided technicalsupport.a)Participated in SecurityEncrypt System client analyst and Program Development;b)Took charge of ActiveX,COM, Smart Card, Integrated Circuit Card instruction sets program, Socket communicationservice, and provided the customized interface of encryption for theapplication by using C++, Java, etc.;c)Participated in NanHaiE-GovernmentDemonstration Project, and trading business and large businesse-commercesafety system upgradeproject of Shanghai Stock Exchange.EducationSeptember, 2009‒ July, 2012 Ph.D.Department ofComputer ScienceJoint inCollege of Physical Science and Technology Central China Normal University,ChinaScholarship,The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)Thesis Title: Study forTraffic Matrix Estimation in IP Network and Utility Maximization in WirelessNetworksSupervisor:Professor Liansheng Tan September, 2006 ‒ July, 2009 M.Sc. Department of Computer Science Central ChinaNormal University, ChinaScholarship,The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)Thesis Title: RoutingAlgorithm Based on Principal Component Analysis Theory for WSNSupervisor:Professor Liansheng TanSeptember, 1998‒ July, 2002 B.Sc.Department ofComputer ScienceHuazhongUniversity of Science & Technology, ChinaMajor inComputer ScienceHonors andAwardsCentral ChinaNormal University“Top GraduateStudent” Scholarship 2009 - 2012“Top Researcherwaived for PhD Entrance Exam” 2009 “Top Graduate Student” Scholarship 2008“Top GraduateStudent” Scholarship 2007HuazhongUniversity of Science & Technology“TopUndergraduate Student” Scholarship 1999 ‒ 2002 (Annually) Computer SkillsProficient in C, C++, Java, C#, Jquery, Ajax,Asp.Net, MATLABResearch ExperienceResearch Assistant September, 2009 ‒ 2012Computer Network and Control LaboratoryDepartment of Computer ScienceJoint in College of Physical Science andTechnology Central China Normal UniversityØ Performed studies on trafficmodeling and performance evaluation in wireless and wire networks, InternetProtocols, congestion control in computer communication networks, MobileNetworked Systems, and Resource Allocation.Research Projects:-Bandwidth allocation andcongestion control in wireless networks (Supported by the National NaturalScience Foundation of China)-Research on thearchitecture of next generation Internet (Supported by Development Plan of theState Key Fundamental Research in China)-Towards the moreefficient and safer Internet ‒ next generation Internet (Supported by the keyResearch Fund from National Ministry of Education Scientific Foundation ofChina)Research Assistant September, 2006 ‒ July, 2009Computer Network and Control LaboratoryDepartment of Computer Science Central China Normal University Ø Worked on Wireless Sensor Networks, congestion control, and RoutingAlgorithm and Optimization.Publications[1]G. Chen and Z. X. Zhu, “The number of independent sets of unicyclic graphs with givenmatching number”,DiscreteApplied Mathematics, Volume 160, Issues1-2,Jan 2012. (SCI)[2]Z. X. Zhu and G. Chen, “An Optimal Solution to Resource Allocation among Soft QoS Trafficsin Wireless Networks”, Computational Optimization and Applications, Submitted. (SCI)[3]G. Chen and W. Zhang, L. S. Tan, “Using General Matrix Inverse and Covariance Matrix to estimate IPtraffic matrix”,Computer Communications, Submitted. (SCI)[4]L. S. Tan and G. Chen, “A new method to estimate IP traffic matrix: SVD and Optimizationtechniques”, AEU-InternationalJournal of Electronics and Communications, Submitted. (SCI)[5]G. Chen and L. S. Tan, “Using lexicographical method to achieve network utility and lifetimemaximization in Wireless Sensor Networks”, InternationalJournal of Sensor Networks, Submitted. (SCI)[6]Z. X. Zhu and G. Chen, “OnMerrifield-Simmonsindex of unicyclic graphs withgiven girth and prescribed pendent vertices”, AUSTRALASIANJOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, Volume 50, 2011, pp.87-95.[7]G. Chen and Y. L. Gong, “A balanced distributed clustering algorithm forwireless sensor networks,”Proceedings of 2008 InternationalPre-OlympicCongress on Computer Science, VOL II, 2008, pp.48-53.[8]Y. L. Gong, G. Chen, and L. S. Tan, “A Balanced SerialK-meansBasedClustering Protocol for WirelessSensorNetworks,” The 4th IEEE International Conferenceon Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Oct 12~14, 2008, Dalian,China.[9]L. S. Tan, Y. L. Gong, and G. Chen, “ A Balanced Parallel Clustering Protocol forWireless Sensor Networks UsingK-MeansTechniques”, IEEE Proceedings of theSecond International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, Aug 25~31,2008, Cap Esterel, France,pp.300-305.类型 : 求职性质 : 全职行业 : 电脑相关地点 : Orange County: Irvine, Cypress, Anaheim, Newport Beach, Yorba Linda, Costa Mesa

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