加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘途风网诚聘多个职位:HR Manager,Office/HR Assistant,
途风旅游网(携程旗下)持续扩大招聘:HR Manager, Office/HR/Accouting Assistant, OP/销售,客服, 票务, 游轮顾问, Marketing Manager, Web Desginer公司简介途风旅游,创立于2006年,是最早专注于海外目的地旅游的在线旅游网站。美国公司设在加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶,现有中文丶英文丶西班牙文三个网站。在目的地旅游细分市场中,途风从美洲开始深耕细作,凭藉丰富的旅游线路丶优质的服务丶可靠的行程品质丶透明实惠的价格在全球华人美洲旅游市场拥有良好的口碑和颇高的知名度,是国内现有的美洲旅游第一品牌。途风定位为「海外目的地旅游专家」,从美洲向欧洲丶澳新丶亚洲等区域市场快速扩张,向旅游者提供以目的地旅游为核心的全方位产品覆盖,包括目的地参团丶目的地活动丶定制包团丶门票丶酒店丶度假公寓丶接送服务及私人导游等旅游配套服务,同时针对个性化出游需求提供邮轮游丶小众游丶名校游丶购物游等特色旅游,已成功服务累计超过100万人次出游。2013年12月,中国最大的在线旅游公司携程对途风进行了战略投资,途风将藉助携程已有的良好技术和经营平台,以「华人海外旅游最有帮助的平台」为使命,为广大旅游者推出更加优质完善的海外目的地旅游服务,不断实践着「海外目的地旅游专家」角色。电话: 全年7x24小时无休为您服务[中国免费热线]: 086-400-635-6555[美加免费热线]: 1866-638-6888 [国际热线]: 1-626-389-8666邮箱:[email protected]美国地址:1151 W. 5th Street, #N100, Azusa, CA, 91702中国地址:成都市高新区天府四街189号携程大厦B座10-11层途风旅游持续招聘,现邀请你的加入,共创旅游梦想。HR Manager 人事主管Must be fluent in Both English and Mandarin. Identify and address gaps in leadership, organizational effectiveness and workperformance through training, succession planning and variousperformance management techniques;Lead the Company’s staffing and recruiting efforts to ensure the hiring of top talent;Provide essential support on our global hire and office set up;Assess and implement compensation and benefit strategies to meet current and future needs;Improve leadership and management skills of managers and supervisors;Identify potential riskes and advice the top management team in advance;Maintain team morale and a reasonable turn over rate;Provide coaching and advices to top management team to build up company culture;Provide leadership and support;Finance experiences a huge plus.Office/HR/Accounting AssistantAssist HR/Office Manager in handing office and HR day-to-day work.Assist Accountant in bookkeeping and data entry workIT skills a plus.Must be fluent in English and Mandarin. Good computer skills. Detail oriented. Responsible.途风中文网诚聘:邮轮顾问服务于公司游轮部, 为公司优化及拓展游轮业务。 有游轮从业经验者优先。 要求英文书写及口语。 电脑操作和上网熟练。 沟通呢能力强。 细心灵活负责。客服受理客户对旅游产品及服务的询问, 及时给客户正确和满意的回复。 处理客户订单, 完成预订流程各项工作。 协助处理旅游团在途中遇到的各种问题。 具备处理问题,沟通及疑难问题服务的意识和能力。 有旅行社相关工作经验者优先。 计算机操作和上网熟练。 普通话标准。 具英文书写及口语能力。 细心灵活负责。敬业,勤恳,善于自我学习。订制包团OP/销售有旅游行业相关工作经验; 了解团组操作, 懂机票票务,有客服经验者优先。思路清晰丶责任心强,能完成团组所需的酒店丶机票丶车辆的预订。具英文书写及口语能力。熟悉电脑办公软件的使用。票务有机票票务经验, 有旅游行业相关工作经验优先。具英文书写及口语能力。熟悉电脑办公软件的使用。征寻与个人,团队,机构,公司高端旅游项目的合作征寻高端订制旅游项目的合作,不限个人,团队,公司和机构。订制,自驾, 狩猎,房车等一切可能开发的旅游项目。征寻美洲各地的游学机构, 夏令营, 营地, HOMESTAY资源的供应商,曾经与美国, 或中国游学机构合作过的供应商。在美国有教育背景, 曾经作为过游学, 夏令营项目负责人的个人,有供应商资源或中国游学机构资源的主管人员。途风英文网诚聘:Marketing Manager 市场经理Responsibilities-Planand supervise lead generating channels, including but not limited to SEO/SEM, email, social media, affiliate, remarketing, narrative/content marketing and display advertising campaigns.- Design and build company PR and social media strategies.- Measure and report performance of all digital marketing campaigns, and assess against goals (ROI and KPIs).- Identify trends and insights, and optimize spend and performance based on the insights.- Brainstorm new and creative growth strategies.- Plan, execute, and measure experiments and conversion tests.- Collaborate with internal teams to create landing pages and optimize user experience.-Utilize strong analytical ability to evaluate end-to-end customer experience across multiple channels and customer touch points.- Instrument conversion points and optimize user funnels.- Collaborate with agencies and other vendor partners.- Provide thought leadership and perspective for adoption where appropriate.Qualifications-Have a passion for travel and inspired to explore new regions, in which you love to share your travel experiences and knowledge as well as feeling highly accomplished by helping and collaborating with peer travelers.- Advanced knowledge of e-commerce with hands-on experience in the management, execution and optimization of marketing channels including SEO/SEM, email, social media, affiliate programs, and re-marketing initiatives.- Marketo Experience a Must!- Hands on paid search experience-Advanced knowledge of marketing research and web analytic tools such as Google Analytics, A/B and multivariate experiments and optimizing landing pages and user funnels.- Highly creative with experience in identifying target audiences and devising digital campaigns that engage, inform and motivate.Strong creative, strategic, analytical, organizational and interpersonal skills.Keep up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in online marketing and measurement.Advance Microsoft Office skills - Excel, Word, and PowerPoint with familiarity with data analysis and reporting.Excellent project management skills.Fluent Bilingual Skills a plus.Other Qualifications:Bachelor’s degreerequired3-5 years’ proven working experience in digital marketingmanagement, including directly supervising a teamWeb Designer 网络设计Responsible for the creation and markup of websites design and general graphics design. Job Responsibilities•Conceptualize and create web graphics including banners, email blasts, landing page design, animations, videos and print material• Assist in conceptualizing ad designing internal marketing materials for print and the company website• Complete post-processing of photographic images and video editing•Effectively collaborate with marketing department, oversea developers, and other stakeholders to establish the vision of the project and analyze trade-offs between usability and website performance needs• Use analytical tools to create and analyze user behaviors and to improve web design• Performs other duties as assigned or requestedSkills and Requirements• BA/BS in Marketing or related field preferred•Provide an exceptional portfolio that showcases solid conceptual, color, layout graphic design skills as well as fully functional web projects• Be able to use critical and creative thinking processes, possess superior UI skills, and be able to translate high-levelrequirements into stunning, original and elegant designs• Present organized files such as Photoshop layered/folder files• 2 years' experience with responsive design and creating interfaces for mobile devices preferred• Knowledge of current trends in design, typography, UI/UX, web standards and usability• 2 years' experience with HTML, CSS and familiarity with JavaScript preferred•Detailed understanding of marketing campaign pipeline including audience, callto action and purpose of each marketing project assigned• Excellent communication and teamwork skills• Must be able to work on multiple projects simultaneously, organize and manage time effectively• Have a can-do attitude and able to catch on quickly• Knowledge of what developers can and can't do for the web公司福利: 试用期结束后, 全职人员享有: Medical / Dental / Vision Insurance,Holiday Pay, Paid Vacationand sick hour accural,Travel and theme park Discounts, and etc. 工作一年后可加入有公司Match的401K plan. Please email resume to [email protected] with job title in the email subject.类型 : 招聘性质 : 全职行业 : 文职人员地点 : San Gabriel周边地区: Acadia, Alhambra, Rosemead, Monterey Park, San Gabriel, Pasadena, El Monte, Temple City, San Marino名称:携程途风旅游网联系人:HR Department邮箱:[email protected]
请问 有什么职位是面向暑假实习生的呐?我现是ucla的business economic在读大学生.
携程途风创业短租项目邀请你的加入 (怎么加入)
作为好莱坞中文卫视这个电视台的原来员工,对他们的经营路线和节目制作质量有发言权,我只是真实客观的描述以下这些事实。好莱坞中文卫视雇佣招工时,先是雇佣没有工卡的员工,后辞退员工的时候以此理由拒绝发放此间工资。丁立新台长在员工会议上提议让大家从身边朋友依托本电视台的存在,找客户办理H1B,L1身份,并许诺给介绍人回扣。实习员工问他们实习待遇,他们吞吞吐吐说:先干着,我们不知道你的工作能力,怎么能知道给你多少呢?这事儿回来再说,这莫大的电视台可能欠你们工资吗?可后来离职的时候,结果就是欠薪不给,白干!每天开晨会,就是画大饼, 灌鸡汤,洗脑,总鼓吹自己是洛杉矶华人媒体之冠,别的所有媒体都是小打小闹,他们是有使命的。实际上呢?他们开台至今人员大幅流动,根本就没有几个老员工,都是三四个月一批员工大换血,试想这是为何?好莱坞中文卫视若真是向他们老板自己说的这莫好,为何留不住人呢??
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