加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘招聘System architect(系统架构师)/Researcher(研究


公司:青岛慧与软件全球大数据应用研究及产业示范基地招聘岗位一丶System architect(系统架构师)Responsibilities(岗位职责):1. Take charge of the systematic architecture design, function design and key technology identification, guide the software engineer for developing.2. Participate in the project planning and demand analysis, take charge of the general design and core code writing.3. Based on the project plan, scheduling and task distribution, develop corresponding modules.4. Take charge to choose the technical routes, including choosing the development language, tools, framework and database.5. Take charge of the systematic architecture design,including data structure design, development framework design and software module reuse plan.6. Process control: aiming at the system architecture launching and development in the software development process, guide, supervise, recognize and handle the risks and problems.7. Explore and research the technical trend and core technique of the big data of the field, formulate and implement the research and development plan. Job requirements(任职要求):1. Over 5-year experience in Java procedure development and 2-year experience in architecture, familiarize Java/JavaScript language.2. Be skilled in the large-scale and systematic JavaEE architecture technique, proficiently master the common open-source framework and technique, such as Hibernate, Struts2, Spring and Spring MVC, familiarize in using the MyEclipse development tool,give priority to the people having development or restructure experience in framework.3. Familiarize the architecture system of the mainstream application servers and various middleware techniques, such as tomcat, ActiveMQ and Zookeeper.4. Be skilled in common design modes and mainstream design tools, be able to conduct system modeling and overall design; have practical experience in expandable system design with the features of high performance, high concurrency and high stability, as well as development, adjustment and optimization.5. Familiarize the large-scale and systematic load balancing,cache,network storage, network security,high-availability design of database and performance evaluation mechanism, have used the open-source and distributed file system, distributed cache and distributed services.6. Be skilled in vertica, oracle and Redis database, familiarize the common methods for solving the database loading.7. Familiarize and give priority to the related techniques of big data such as hadoop, storm and spark.  招聘岗位二丶Researcher(研究员)Responsibilities(岗位职责):(1) Formulate and implement the work plan of the department, make an overall planning on the topic research of the research lab;(2) As the topic leader, research the topic and strive to make breakthroughs in key techniques; be able to independently complete the research work on related industries, write the research report.(3) Be able to undertake the research topic on major strategy consulting project of the research lab, undertake the research and consulting tasks of related industrial fields.(4) Host the internal and daily work of the research lab. (5) Cultivate and appraise the internal talents in the research lab.Job requirements(任职要求):(1) Have the education background of doctor degree and above, major in one of the related specialties including computer,information science,mathematics,urban planning,e-government affairs,social governance,higher education,medical science,transportation,agriculture science and finance; have conducted researches on related direction including smart city (one of the e-government affairs,social governance,smart education, remote education,service outsourcing,software testing,internet finance,smart health care,smart transportation, smart home and smart agriculture), have published research articles on the national level-1 periodicals or possess the personal patents; (2) Possess the experience in systematic research methodology as well as rich industry and project research, have broad vision and solid technique foundation, lead the research lab to constantly explore and innovate the application ;(3) Have outstanding data analysis capability,architecture planning capability, project leading research and development capability and deeply understand the industrial demands ;(4) Know the mainstream development technique and technical framework,know the current application system architecture, know the development of related techniques of big data;(5) Have over 5-year experience in management, have led over two above-provincial-level key projects at least;(6) Have outstanding project management capability;(7) Have outstanding capability in English listening, speaking, reading and writing;(8)Possess the title of professor or the qualification of doctoral supervisor, or the doctor graduating from famous universities in domestic and overseas, give priority to the people having the titles of advanced titles;(9)Give priority to the people having experiences in famous research labs; 类型 : 招聘性质 : 全职行业 : 其他地点 : 其他地区名称:慧与软件全球大数据基地联系人:Cassie Chen邮箱:[email protected]

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