加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘LA本地软件工程师
因为网站是英文网,希望您能有一定的英文阅读水平。至少IT本科,最好IT硕士毕业。请发您的简历到 [email protected], 谢谢。I am looking for a seasoned software engineer to fix my website technical issues, apply mild adjustments and add necessary features to realize the website functionality within 2-3 weeks in a timely and workmanlike manner. If you provide quality work, you will act as website manager to devote sufficient time to facilitate the website product development and commercial launch in test area in the future.Requirements: clickhands on experience in website management- Extensive experience with all aspects of the LAMP (Linux, Nginx, MySql, PHP), CSS 3, HTML 5, jQuery, JSON, SQL, XML, and open source development.- 2 Years of Full-stack PHP Experience- Experience in wordpress is a must- Strong MySQL knowledge (table design, complex query creation, best practices).- Working knowledge of object-oriented programming concepts and coding in MVC pattern- Experience in implementing SEO techniques required- Experience with Cloud-based deployment is a plus- Graphic design tools such as photoshop...类型 : 招聘性质 : 兼职行业 : 电脑相关地点 : San Gabriel周边地区: Acadia, Alhambra, Rosemead, Monterey Park, San Gabriel, Pasadena, El Monte, Temple City, San Marino名称:Autism Care, Inc. www.autismcarenow.com联系人:Pan PeiPei电话:6177357848邮箱:[email protected]
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