加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘looking for a software parter,求精通软件创业伙伴
先简单介绍一下本人,男,13年硕士毕业于NEU专业项目管理,八年工作经验经历过不同行业,其中包括出口车,服装公司,地产等,白手起家刚开始给别人工作后来做自己生意。曾在知名企业做过分公司VP,带领过上百人的团队百万年薪,但想想这些不一定是我想要的。人总要有梦想,万一成功了呢?或许你就是下一个马云,马小云也好啊。四年前就有一个IDEA想开发一类全新概念的手机软件和网站,碍于当时工作繁忙无法投入时间和金钱而搁置。最近生意能抽身出来了,想全身心投入专注此项目,也已咨询律师合法性,和取得专利。项目概念本身我是有足够信心的,所以团队现在是最关键。初创公司的战略开发,市场营销,法律法规管理等等我都可以去负责,但还需一个有足够经验和能力的合作伙伴负责技术开发方面,共同创业。具体要求如下:本科或硕士以上相关学位两年以上软件开发经验,能独立操盘软件开发每个阶段与细节至少有50%以上时间专注于此项目流利英文水平充裕资金支持未来1年生活,能一起投资更好 重要事情说三遍:非常勿扰 非诚勿扰 非诚勿扰 WECHAT:240683794 TEXT OR CALL 6262154303A brief introduction from myself. I graduated from NEU with a master degree in Project Management back in 2013. I had been through different industries including luxury vehicle exporting, clothing business, real estate, as a employee or an business owner in the last 8 years. I was the VP of a subsidiary company of a famous corporation in China managing more than hundreds people with 6 digits salary in US dollars. But that might not be what I want.I believe in dreams, what if they come true? I have a completely new concept idea since 4 years ago. But I was tied by many things, finally I set myself free and available to chase a dream. I have consulted with lawyers about its legality and applied for patent. I have faith in the concept that can be successful so a strong team building is the most important now.For a start up, I am competent with strategy planing, marketing, management and etc. But I do need a very competent partner with skills & experience in software developing and technology.Requirement:Bachelor or above degrees in relative fieldIOS and web developing overall skills with 2 year experienceAt least 50% of time focus on this projectAble to support yourself as an entrepreneurInvesting is a plusFluent in English, Mandarin is a plus
·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
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